Part 4: Class

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"So he returns." Jimin teased as Yoongi sat down.

"Who are your friends hyung?" Jungkook asked nodding to the two people sat behind him.

Yoongi pulled his books back out before turning around and nodding to each saying "Namjoon and Hoseok. You guys should introduce yourselves."

Both boys nodded Namjoon taking the lead.

"I'm Kim Namjoon, it's very nice to meet you." Namjoon said with a friendly smile as he nodded to both.

He then looked to Hoseok who froze for a moment thinking 'he stole what I was gonna say' quickly snapping out of it and saying "I'm Jung Hoseok. Nice to meet ya."

Both looked to Yoongi for a reassuring nod which he gave knowing the two were growing more nervous.

"Nice to meet you both I'm Park Jimin." Jimin said with a eye smile then looking to Jungkook.

"Uhhhh I'm Jeon Jungkook and it's nice to meet you both. I wanted to be original but yeah oops." Jungkook said with a innocent bunny smile.

"That's exactly what I thought when Joon stole what I was gonna say." Hoseok said with a look of disbelief.

Jungkook reached over to get a high five which Hoseok happily gave, both with a proud smile.

"Okay who have I got to call hyung here?" Hoseok asked looking between everyone.

"I'm Feb eighteen." Hoseok said starting.

Namjoon picked up on what Hoseok wanted so answered even though he already knew saying "September twelfth."

Jimin nodded before saying "October twelfth but I'm a year a head."

Jungkook added in "Same I was born September first but I'm up a year."

Everyone nodded surprised that the school allowed it with the attention then going to Yoongi to reveal his age.

Yoongi sighed noticing they wanted to know his so complained "I feel old. March ninth."

"Hyunggggggggg~" Hoseok said sweetly Yoongi already knowing what was coming instantly saying "No."

Namjoon sighed pulling out a pen and handing it to Hoseok who thanked him then smiling innocently at Yoongi who was shaking his head.

"Wow your a tuff hyung." Jungkook said leaning forward more continuing saying "Jin hyung does anything me and Jiminie ask."

Jimin nodded in agreement as said Male entered the classroom.

"Kookie~ Jiminie~" The voice sung taking the seat next to Jungkook with a happy smile spread across his face.

"Ah and it's Namjoonie and Hoseokie too, but who's this?" Jin said looking towards Yoongi who was in shock by how wide Jin's shoulders were.

He quickly snapped out of it though and introduced himself knowing Namjoon wouldn't let him hear the end of it if he didn't.

"I'm Min Yoongi, nice to meet you."

Jungkook pouted and complained "Can't you spice it up a bit." Causing Jimin and Jin to laugh in amusement.

Yoongi turned around to Namjoon who shrugged with an amused smile.

Yoongi sighed before saying "Hi I'm Yoongi, I'd cook up a better introduction but I don't have enough spice to make it any good."

Yoongi was completely unamused by what he said but it was enough to make everyone laugh; Jin going red, Jungkook throwing his head back and nearly falling off his chair, Jimin actually falling off his chair, Hoseok hitting the table and Namjoon laughing into his hands.

"Your funny Yoongi-ah, I'm Kim SeokJin but you can call me Jin." The boy said extending his hand which Yoongi shook.

After that the classes attention was caught by the teacher and the first proper class began.

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