Part 29: It's a...

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"I can only thing of one more way to make it obvious but I don't know if you'll want me to do it." Yoongi said honestly seeing how annoyed Jimin was getting with himself.

Jimin looked up with defenceless and desperate eyes asking "How?" Wanting a straight up answer.

"Promise you won't freak out and your okay with anything, even kissing so be it since that's such a far fetched concept clearly since it hasn't happened yet." Yoongi said being half serious and half sarcastic.

Jimin nodded before mumbling "Promise." As Yoongi stood up then going in front of him.

"Close your eyes and unball." Yoongi instructed so Jimin did as he was told sitting normally with his eyes shut and head down.

Yoongi sighed and crouched for a moment thinking about maybe being awkward with what he was gonna do before going back to leaning over, readjusting Jimin's head upwards.

"Huh?" Jimin asked as he felt Yoongi's hand tilting his chin up, Yoongi replying "Do you still promise?"

Jimin paused before sheet saying "Yes." Not sure what to expect since the obvious didn't seem like it would happen.

Yoongi tilted Jimin's head a bit more before moving closer to his face with his own until they were only centimetres apart.

Jimin could feel Yoongi's breath touch his face which made him blush nervously.

Yoongi rested one arm on the chair behind Jimin to secure himself before hesitating.

'I shouldn't' ran through Yoongi's mind but even though his head said one thing his body did another closing the gap between the two boys.

Yoongi's lips gently landed on Jimin's, the two touching briefly before Yoongi pulled away since he was still a shy panicked gay even though he did act more maturely.

Jimin's eyes quickly opened as he looked at Yoongi who was trying to keep his cool even though he could have sworn he'd passed out.

"O-okay." Jimin said with his entire face, ear to ear, going bright read.

"Oookayyyy." Yoongi said back holding his hand to his chest.

"S-so t-t-that means y-you l... like me... right?" Jimin asked shakily not believing what was happening.

Yoongi breathed out before nodding.

"So we b-both l-l-like eachother?" Jimin asked feeling his heart beating ten times faster than normal.

Yoongi quietly chuckled before replying "I hope so."

Jimin nodded taking another shaky breath never expecting to be in the position he was in, let alone being in the same position for the rest of the night.

"N-Now what?" Jimin asked after trying (and failing) to regain his composure.

"Now? I don't know." Yoongi said deciding it was Jimin's turn to take the lead since he'd taken it so far adding "What do you want to do?"

Jimin shyly looked down playing with his hands as he thought about it.

Pros and cons.

Pro - he could date Min Yoongi.

Con - he'd have to tell his mum he was gay.

Pro - he'd be accepted by Yoongi.

Con - people would find out he was gay and he'd have to relive the past.

Pro - he'd be left alone by the girls.

Con - he'd have to tell his mum not only he was gay but dating a vampire - both controversial things in this world.

Pro - he'd be happy.

Con - he'd be putting everything on the line.

He weighed the situation before deciding he'd be able to come up with equal amounts and all he was doing was delaying a decision by listing them to reach a stalemate.

Was his little (not so little) crush be worth it?

Was Yoongi worth it? The boy who built up walls so neither got hurt.

The same boys who took those walls down for the first time for Jimin.

The same boy he'd opened up to even though he didn't know him that well because he felt a connection.

Jimin took a breath in before saying his next sentence a few times through his head so he didn't mess up when he said it out loud, saying "Well you owe me dinner so why don't we make that our first date?"

He nervously bit his lips as Yoongi's entire face lit up with a gummy smile which quickly soothed Jimin's nerves.

Yoongi happily saying "It's a date." Concluding it was worth to step out of his comfort zone.

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