Part 50: Note

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To my dearest:

(Aka my baby boy and prince)

You may be wondering "Hyung why have you handed me a piece of paper and planned out exactly what is going to happen?" And I'll answer that.
Because I've been wanting to tell you this for a while but whenever I try to I get all panicked and nervous which even my amazing sense of humour can't hide sometimes.

I'm writing this here and now to tell you something.
Something you might not know or that you already do.
And it has a lot more meaning than the simplicity of the words.
The connotations meaning so much more to me when they are for you.

I love you.

And now you may wonder why I find it so hard to just say every time I want to and I'll tell you why.
It's because your so fuckin perfect Park Jimin that just thinking it makes me get lost in the idea of a world of where us being together will take us.
I could probably say dream all day about our future and where those words and feelings could lead us and I try not to get to lost in them because I don't want them to be let down.

Now I know that's a bit of a sad twist but as I've learned everything in life is unexpected.
From the people you meet to the bonds you make with them.
And I can't just assume everything will be eternal for us because I can't expect you to just love me forever and that be that no matter how much I want to.

What you have called so many times as me being a pessimist I see it as a realist.
Because I don't want to be hurt.

But that's not why I'm writing all of this.
On the contrary? Not sure if that's a phrase but if it's not you'll correct me lol
Ew I just wrote lol
It was clearly more of a heh

Anyways this is being written because
To simply put it
I love you Park Jimin

And there's so many reasons that I can't just say because there's infinite reasons
But I can try and write down as many as I can as your napping next to me looking like pure beauty even though we both know you ain't pure 💜

So here is my list of why I love Jimin - shortened:
- He cute
- He hot
- He got good blood
- He got a good butt
- He has the most perfect eye smile and teeth smile ever with that adorable front tooth that crosses over just a little which is perfect like he is
- your handsome everything
- your fashion sense
- your confidence
- your shyness
- your loving nature
- your bad flirting
- your love of kimchi that surpasses your love for anything
- your ability to put up with Jin's bad joke
- the way you fall to the ground when laughing so much
- your clumsiness
- your ability to go from 0 to 100 like that (imagine I just clicked)
- your sincerity
- your honesty
- your insecurities (which I don't think you should have since there just more reasons to love you (STOP HATING ON YOUR HEIGHT I LOVE IT AND YOU) *cough cough*)
- your nose
- your jaw
- your neck
- your abs which put me to shame
- your smol hands
- basically your whole body which I would've listed all of if I didn't know you well enough that you'd complain when I say the things you don't like about your self
- I love your muscles that you don't think are big enough but I think are perfect (and your thighs)
- I love your duality and how you can be my sweet panicked gay Jiminie then you can be my sexy confident boyfriend Park frickin Jimin
- I love your eyes because I feel like they let me read you so well
- I love your heart because it's so big and warm and loving
- I love your brain because it's so smart and complicated and perfect like you
- I love your dancing
- your singing voice
- your ability to solve problems so easily
- I love how passionate you are
- I love all of this and so much more but I don't have much room left baby so let me cut to this

I do and I will love you no matter not for these reasons and more.
As our grow as a person my love for you will grow too because I love you that much already after what appears as such a small time in the grand scale of time.
I know and accept your feelings may change and sometimes I will need comforting when I don't feel worthy because of how amazing of a person you truest are but I just want you to know I love you.
And I'll never be able to not.

I don't know how I've lived my life without you up until now or how I managed to push you away for so long but I did.
And I regret it.
From the moment I saw you I knew you meant something, even ask Namjoon and Hoseok who I panicked in the toilet to after tutorial on my first day.

I'm so happy that your in my life now and I hope you will be in tears to come.
I will love you now, always and forever.
Like it or not.
And you can't change that or my bad English and struggling to even word how I feel now.

That's why I've written you that song to hope you can understand it and translate it like you always manage to do when you dance.
A language I can watch all day.
That didn't make sense but I don't care because I should be napping right now with you too but instead my heart is filled with love and I can't put it off anymore.

I want you to know or have some slight idea on how much I love you because I promise it's more than this.

This fees like I've been writing forever like there's over 1000 words so I'm going to stop now because I'll be sat with you as you read this and it seems mean to make you keep reading
Unless that's what I intended?
Maybe this is pay back for you constantly saying I should say I love you more

But really I do love you
Sometimes I just get overwhelmed by how much I do
Anyways my Prince, I love you
I'm my happiest with you and I wouldn't want it any other way

Forever Yours,
Yoongi hyung

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