Part 32: Call

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Jimin and Yoongi both remembered mid conversation about the group chat they were supposed to make so did it, then muting it so they could talk.

"How mad do you think Jin hyung will be when he finds out we muted it?" Jimin asked chuckling as Yoongi shrugged resting his head on his hand as he admired Jimin's smile.

"He can be as mad as he wants we can just say we took a nap afterward making it." Yoongi said feeling exhausted after fighting with himself all day which he'd managed to hide well.

Jimin chuckled before stating "Naps are for old people. Facts." Which Yoongi fake yawned in response to saying "I must be old people then." Then resting his head back on the couch even though Jimin's shoulder seemed more appealing.

Jimin laugher more before saying "You make no sense but also make sense both at the same time."

Yoongi smiled at Jimin before tiredly replying "That's life."

Both smiled at each other with the room feeling calm and tranquil, both dogs napping with the two boys just enjoying the others company.

Jimin's phone began to ring snapping them both out of their trance, Jimin jumping at the sound before picking it up, not checking the ID.

The first thing the familiar voice said was "Video call sweetie." Making Jimin and Yoongi realise who it was as Jimin pulled the phone away from his ear as he said "Eomma?"

"Jiminie you'd never believe who came with his mother." Yooni said with a glass of wine in hand and her arm thrown over someone who he couldn't see.

Someone familiar appeared on the screen with his eomma which made his stomach drop as he faked a smile greeting "Hello Jaejoon's Eomma." Not recalling her name.

Yoongi's face went blank at the use of the name used linking to the woman so stood up going into the kitchen to grab a quick drink.

"Ahhh Jiminie, it's Yuri, look at how much you've grown up. I heard about how you and my boy got into a little fight so I brought him to apologies more sincerely but your not even here." She said giggling with Yooni.

He knew both of their mothers were still close but he never expected to really talk to her when he wasn't at home or with the obvious fact of Jaejoon being around.

Jimin stayed silent since it was less him fighting and more him being targeted and beaten up so he said nothing at all causing both women to sigh.

"So your still mad?" Yooni said understanding but also realising it was going to make the phone call more awkward since Yuri begged for Jaejoon to give a properly apology.

Jimin nodded as Yoongi reappeared behind him with a carton in hand, leaning on the back of the chair before greeting both women saying "Hi." And handing Jimin a drink.

"Thank you hyung." Jimin said looking up at Yoongi with a smile feeling better since he was there with him.

"Ah you both look so handsome." Yooni said before pointing at her phone screen and looking to Yuri saying "This is one of Jimin's handsome friends from school, his name is Yoongi-ah."

Yuri chuckled before pointing out "One more letter than your name." Causing both women to chuckle as Yoongi smiled politely at the phone.

"Eomma is there a reason you called?" Jimin asked feeling uncomfortable with an uneasy feeling he couldn't place his finger on.

"Ah yes. Jaejoon come here sweetheart." Yooni said shouting across what they both assumed was the room.

Yuri held out her arm before wrapping it around her sons shoulders pulling him into the frame.

"Now apologise properly." Yuri said in a more serious tone than her happy giggly one she'd been using so far.

Jaejoon nodded then looking at the screen and falling back when seeing Yoongi's face who had an unamused expression with an eyebrow raised.

Jimin couldn't help but fight back a smirk as he nudged Yoongi's arm.

Yoongi was still pissed at what happened so decided to act sickly sweet as he greeted "Ah hello Jaejoon, how've you been?" With a clearly annoyed smile.

Both women looked to each other and then back to the boy who was getting up looking really annoyed.

"Hi." Jimin said looking to his phone then back to Yoongi.

"Of course you'd be with him." Jaejoon said with what Yuri could've sworn sounded like jealousy since she knew her son.

Yoongi tilted his head innocently before shrugging and back hugging Jimin's shoulders with a sweet smile.

"You sound surprised?" Jimin said focusing on the call now instead of Yoongi since he had to hide himself being flustered.

"I really shouldn't be. I should expected this from you. I bet your staying there tonight and all." Jaejoon said coldly through the phone both mothers growing concerned seeing the annoyance on all the boys faces.

"He is, we're having a sleep over in my apartment." Yoongi said before adding "Probably not much sleeping though."

Jimin's eyes widened hitting Yoongi's arm which was wrapped around him as Yoongi had a gummy smile on his face.

Jimin's face turned bright red and Yoongi added "We're gonna play monopoly."

Jaejoon's face clearly showed his annoyance from the look in his eyes to the tongue he pressed against his cheek not saying anything.

Jimin let out a held in breath he didn't realise he had stopping hitting Yoongi's arm instead loosely holding onto it.

Yooni giggled seeing her son so flustered but didn't tease him knowing he hadn't told her yet himself even though she felt he didn't have to but she didn't want him to be uncomfortable since he clearly felt he had to since he moved school to keep her from finding out.

"Yeah. Whatever."Jaejoon said moving his mothers arm from his shoulder before coldly saying "Sorry." And walking off.

Yoongi looked at Jimin innocently as Jimin chuckled shaking his head with Yuri apologising saying "Sorry Jimin he'll apologise properly next time."

Jimin said "No need." Before giving her an eye smile then looking to his Eomma saying "We should probably start the game now so we're not up all night."

Yoongi chuckled before saying "Your eager." To Jimin then "Goodnight." To the ladies who both were giggling messes making the same assumption as Jimin did originally.

They hung up the phone after final goodbyes, Jimin deeply breathing in as he jumped up - Yoongi already running away.

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