Part 47: Backstory

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"This place is so nice why would you bet leave it for Busan?" Jungkook asked still shook by the building.

They were all sat around the fire place casually talking when the topic of the home came up.

Taehyung frowned knowing exactly why but he didn't want to say so.

Let's just say the last time they were caught in school as being vampires it wasn't Yoongi's fault.

Yoongi pauses for a moment expressionless before saying "The schools are shit." Nodding to Taehyung who was now cuddling into the maknaes side.

Jungkook looked worrisomely to Taehyung sensing his now depressed aura.

All the humans attentions were captured by the vampires who wanted to word what happened carefully not wanting to upset Taehyung.

After lots of rambling tho Taehyung finally spoke up saving his nervous hyungs.

"Long story short I wasn't always a vampire. I went to school again before I was ready and able to hide it. We got caught. We left." Taehyung said in a emotionless tone.

"Hyung..." Jungkook said gently holding the other comfortingly before asking "You don't have to talk about it but if you want to well listen."

Jin nodding approving of what Jungkook said, he'd raised the boy right.

Then placing his own hand on Taehyung's to offer more support.

Jimin smiled across to him with a loving gaze all of which together was enough to make Taehyung feel comfortable.

Yoongi noticed this but knew the younger needed another push so sweetly said "I love you Taehyungie even after everything and I'm sure our friends will too."

Everyone nodded and Jimin felt his heart grow even more seeing the extra soft side of Yoongi which he reserved for moments like these before bringing his attention back to the now slightly blushing Kim Taehyung who was flustered by his hyungs affection.

"Okay..." he began glancing around and getting kids from everyone.

"I was about 7 when I met Yoongi hyung in the park and we played together and all that rubbish but then hyung being the genius he is asked why a human was outside in the middle of the night during winter after we'd played for a few hours. In short my parents were never the best so I got locked out a lot for being bad and all of that so Yoongi hyung took me to his home and gave me a basic run down of everything. He said he was a vampire when I asked why he was out late and then he told me about his family situation and he welcomed me anytime so that's how he backs like a big brother to me." Taehyung explained his introduction to Yoongi as basic as he could.

"When I was twelve my parents found out I actually had a friend called Yoongi who didn't go to my school then found out hyung was a vampire causing a bug fight to happen getting me kicked out since I spent more one with a vampire than them which always confused me since they literally locked me away. I was either locked out or locked in..." Taehyung said his eyes growing darker as he trailed off into his thoughts.

Jungkook rubbed some circles on his hand snapping him out of it continuing.

"W-well when I was fourteen they came to hyungs other home which has since burned down and they tried to kill me and well- wait I shouldn't say try. They did kill me in a mad rage which I just couldn't understand. Then Ji-Yong hyung told Yoongi he could save me which at the time I don't blame hyung for doing especially since he was my only real family. So Yoongi turned me into a vampire. I lay dying in his arms as his blood ran through my veins until... until everything went dark and I just had to trust him since all I could say was i didn't want to die... then I woke up." Taehyung said taking a shaky breath as Jungkook kissed the side of his head.

Everyone's eyes on the verge of tears.

"After that I was a vampire which is something I don't recommend to anyone ever because it's like a whole new feeling which is good and bad but mainly difficult to understand and control. Even when you think you are in control your not... so as you know I went to school after turning thinking I could make it but apparently someone falling and scraping their knee was enough to send me berserk, Yoongi hyung luckily stopping me before I did anything bad but that required him to show his strength as... as well as Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung who both helped calm me down. All four of us were found out and that's when the bullying began. We put up with it for a week before moving but the events that happened followed us so it was easier for a new start where we moved separately since we just kept getting caught together but by that point the fear of school and people kicked in - which might I add I hide well - and then we met you and now we're here." Taehyung said trying to not make it sound bad really simplifying the information and skipping major depressing factors as best as he could think of.

Jungkook was the first to cry followed by Jin then Jimin then....

They all ended up in tears in a huddle understanding it was worse than presented.

But they couldn't change the past so sat on the floor there and then they al made a promise.

"We'll accept each other no matter what and we'll always stay by each other. We're family."

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