Part 39: Storm

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They returned to Yoongi's apartment being greeted by the puppies who eagerly jumped up at both boys in excitement.

Yoongi finally broke the small silence which was forming between the two, Jimin looking like a guilty puppy and Yoongi already feeling tired from the temptation of Jimin's blood but not minding Jimin being around for a while since he was Jimin.

"How long is your mum away for?" Yoongi asked plopping down on the couch and plugging his phone on charge.

"Three days, she forgot about it... or me... or both... completely." Jimin said awkwardly standing.

Yoongi sighed then patted the seat next to him, not sure why Jimin looked so nervous.

Jimin complied sitting next to him, playing with his hands nervously as he looked outside the window.

Yoongi looked to where he was staring then back to Jimin with a slight frown, he didn't know what was wrong with Jimin but he didn't like him being so uncomfortable around him.

Yoongi thought that maybe it was him making Jimin so nervous but he didn't really believe so but thought he should test it anyways leaning his head on Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin didn't flinch at the touch instead leaning his head on top of Yoongi's.

Yoongi smiled lightly with the reassurance that it wasn't him but felt more concerned not having any idea.

He decided to leave it a bit longer before finally speaking again, looking up from his phone but still resting on Jimin's shoulder.

"Jimin?" Yoongi called out getting a hum from the younger boy who glanced at Yoongi after getting no response.

"Yeah?" Jimin said finally getting a response from Yoongi who called for him originally.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked knowing that it had to be more than being locked out.

Jimin shrugged looking at Yoongi before resting his head on his again.

Yoongi sighed taking a hold of Jimin's hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it making Jimin blush.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked again, sitting up properly so he could look Jimin in the eye.

Jimin looked down and shrugged again mumbling "I guess I don't like storms." Trying not to show how terrified he was by them.

Yoongi sighed in relief that it wasn't anything serious although he knew better than to underestimate phobias.

Yoongi stood up going over to the window Jimin had been staring out of watching the rain fall, closing it and the curtains as the sound of rain hitting the window filled the now dark room.

Yoongi turned on a lamp so it wasn't as dark before quickly going throughout the whole apartment closing the windows and shutting the curtains.

Yoongi returned to the living room where a confused looking Jimin sat.

"What would you like on?" Yoongi asked grabbing the tv remote and blanket before making his way back to the couch.

Jimin was still confused so replied "Anything." Which Yoongi nodded in response to as he sat down.

He flicked the television on putting on some random documentary before unfolding the blanket.

"Jimin-ah come here." Yoongi said tapping next to him where he was sat facing the wall rather than the tv.

Jimin complied not really questioning it before moving over to Yoongi then stopping thinking about how he was going to sit down.

Yoongi chuckled as he lay down properly before taking Jimin's hand and pulling him on top of him so he was sat on his lap.

Yoongi threw the blanket over Jimin before pulling Jimin so he was lay on his chest and resting on the back of the couch so he didn't fall - the blanket over them both.

Jimin couldn't help but think back to the time one of his ex girlfriends made him cuddle with her and how awkward it was with him not sure where to put his hands or how to cuddle her like she wanted.

This on the other hand was different which Jimin instantly recognised, he comfortably rested his head between Yoongi's neck and shoulder with his legs on either side of Yoongi and his hands resting on his chest - Yoongi instinctively rubbing circles on his arm knowing the storm was only going to get worst.

Yoongi used his other hand to hug Jimin's waist appreciating his small figure.

Jimin looked up at Yoongi through his eyelashes catching the elders gaze on himself.

They both continued to watch each other rather than the TV examining ever aspect of the others features and watching as small smiles and sweet face scrunches happened with compliments being exchanged.

However this all came to an instantaneous stop when one loud sound boomed through the room.


Jimin's eyes closed and his face scrunched up as he hid it in Yoongi's chest, forming a small ball on the elder who just carried on holding him and whispering sweet nothings - increasing the volume of the TV since the thunder was louder than the rain which he'd drowned out prior.

"It's okay Jiminie." Yoongi said placing a kiss on Jimin's head and rubbing circles on his back.

The sound was drowned out again but at this point the damage was done and Jimin was refusing to out of his protective ball.

Yoongi had to admit the sight was cute but he didn't like the thought of Jimin being scared to the point of doing it.

Jimin only looked up when he felt Yoongi's stomach rumble.

Yoongi groaned not wanting to eat again because he'd already ate more than he normally would.

It wasn't that he wasn't eating, he just wasn't being fed fully.

He didn't know why, but he had a feeling it had something to do with how appealing Jimin's blood was to him rather than anyone else's.

Jimin being around him was making him hungry - in more than one way.

And now he had three full days of this temptation.

He lifted Jimin as he sat up placing the boy back into the couch, readjusting the blanket around him as he watched innocently, before turning to leave.

Jimin knew he shouldn't stop Yoongi and he knew he didn't want to, but the moment another round of thunder hit he couldn't drop himself from grabbing into Yoongi's shirt.

The sound was that loud that it even made Yoongi jump, deciding he was taking Jimin with him into the kitchen.

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