Part 5: Roof

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Most of the day passed by and lunch arrived in which the three new students all sat together since it was easier than forming new friends.

They knew they shouldn't probably eat much real food so they just ate a sandwich so they didn't get ill since their diet should just be blood due to them being born as vampires.

After eating the sandwich were people could see they left the canteen, going to the roof top.

"Ugh today's been so stressful. Never did I think these handsome looks and dashing charm would be a curse." Hoseok said as he stretched.

"Today's not over with yet." Yoongi pointed out making Hoseok groan.

"I don't think it's that bad compared to other schools." Namjoon said thinking back to past schools.

"The teachers and students seem nice the only issue is their interested in our lives. Like the amount of girls who tried talking to us today was probably more than all my previous schools together." Namjoon explained the others nodding in agreement.

"As I said our looks are both a blessing and a curse." Hoseok said before chuckling getting a playful dig on the arm from Yoongi who was trying not to laugh just wanting to have a proper nap.

The boys all took a drink of their blood which was hidden in strawberry milkshake cartons before continuing their conversation.

"So, who else thinks we might be able to last in this school?" Hoseok asked with a hopeful smile.

Namjoon shrugged as Yoongi tiredly said "Probably but we can't predict other people's actions."

"True." Hoseok said leaning back against the wall before continuing "I like the people here more than other places, they seem nice."

All the boys ended up sitting in a comfortable silence for a while all being lost in their own thoughts until they were interrupted.

"What are the chances?" Jin asked as he laughed being followed by Jungkook and Jimi.

"Yo." Yoongi said recognising voices - and scents - instantly and doing a peace symbol with his hands.

"What brings you up here?" Namjoon asked chuckling slightly at the chances.

"We normally come up here when we want leaving alone." Jungkook said casually then realising what he said so quickly adding "But you guys are cool though, it's just the girls who are constantly flirting."

Hoseok laughed at the physical face Palm Jungkook was doing with the others smiling fondly at him other than Yoongi who was too lazy to open his eyes.

"Can we sit with you guys?" Jin asked getting a quick "Sure." From Namjoon.

"So what brings you guys to the roof then?" Jimin asked since they already explained their reasoning plus the fact he was genuinely curious.

Hoseok started to panic not sure how to say they went up their to chill and drink blood growing physically more pale.

Everyone noticed this, Yoongi even opening an eye at the notice of Hoseok's demeanour change then covering for him saying "It's okay Hoseok you can tell them I dragged you guys up here so I could nap. We can't get in trouble for it I don't think."

The three others boys nodded in understanding as Hoseok let out a sigh of relief.

"Better to nap at lunch than in class but why not just go to the nurses office?" Jin asked adding "The floor will make you stiff."

Yoongi say up realising he'd have to converse explaining "Ill sleep anywhere. Up here's just quiet in comparison to- well everywhere."

Jimin chuckled before commenting "You really are like a cat." Which caused Yoongi to hide his face for a minute with his hands.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, you are lowkey a cat hyung." Namjoon said looking towards Yoongi.

Yoongi moves his hands down his face so he could see Namjoon as he questioned "Why?"

The other his attention all went to Namjoon who surprisingly didn't crack under pressure.

"Well other than your appearance you also have lots of stereo typical traits. For eagle your a night owl, you love naps, your affectionate but only when you want it, you have a caring kind of nature like a mother cat, you get very defensive when you feel threatened-"

"I don't." Yoongi interrupted unironically defensively.

Namjoon paused his list to prove a point saying "Your short." Which made Yoongi become fully aware as he argued "I still have time to grow."

"Point proven." Jimin said with a smirk as Yoongi turned to face him with a upset pout.

Jimin would be only lying to himself if he didn't admit that Yoongi looked like the cutest thing in existence in that moment.

Jungkook chuckled as Jimin wasn't normally that much of a tease, deciding he'd save Yoongi purely so he could tease Jimin later.

"You guys seem to know each other really well, did you used to go to school together as well?"

All three boys looked to the innocent maknae then to one and other before slowly nodding.

"I guess you could say that." Namjoon said since the answer was both yes and no since they went to the same building but different classes.

They casually spoke getting to know each other better after that, already getting rid of the wall they all agreed they should build.

A decision they could potentially regret later.

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