Part 48: Looks

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They were all out walking on the streets and the boys were all receiving mixed looks.

Some were approving, some disapproving, some judgemental, some scared, some angry, some admiring, generally just a mix.

And now that could be to do with anything.

The fact that there was known vampires in a group with other vampires and some people who could be assumed to be.

The fact that some of the people with the known vampires have bite marks on their necks.

The fact that they were openly showing their boy x boy love cooing over eachother and being generally lovey dovey.

They could be being stared at for lots of reasons but the moment a look landed on Taehyung all the boys got defensive protecting the boy which warmed the second you vests heart.

"You guys don't need to scowl whenever someone gives me a dirty look." Taehyung said with a chuckle.

Yoongi nodded replying "Okay I'll just punch them." Which everyone agreed to do after.

"Stop being so protectiveeee. It's fine. Me and Ji-Yong hyung came here without you and we were fine if we just ignore them we get left alone." Taehyung said thinking back to the trip Yoongi earned him.

"I'll ignore them when they ignore us." Hoseok said getting pissed at all the glares they were receiving.

They eventually arrived at the place they were eating dinner, taking their seats as they were being glared at by employees.

A staff member walked over angrily as she said "We don't serve blood here." Giving the boys a disgusted look.

Jin smiled politely as he stated the obvious saying "Isn't it a good job we're here for food then."

The lady rolled her eyes throwing the menu on the table about to turn away when she noticed Jimin's eyes light up.

"They have kimchi!?" Jimin exclaimed happily then explaining "Why did you not tell me. I wouldn't have had extra pancakes for breakfast if I knew."

The woman's eyes widened in realisation that Jimin was human then finally taking the chance to look at him and see how attractive he was.

Jimin noticed her checking him out so casually moved onto Yoongi's lap taking them by surprise.

"Babe will you buy your baby boy some kimchi pleaseeee~" Jimin asked even though it wasn't a question.

Yoongi gulped inwardly, nodding slightly trying not to be captured by Jimin's now confident gaze.

"Thank you." Jimin said kissing Yoongi's cheek which caught Yoongi's attention causing him to turn and have his lips captured.

Yoongi enjoyed panicked gay Jimin but he also adored confident Jimin but sometimes he felt nervous at where Jimin would let his confidence show because that meant he had to hold back.

Jimin pulled away after a second noticing everyone staring at them in and outside the shop causing Jimin to smile proudly as he unmounted his boyfriend.

All their friends smiled knowing what Jimin was doing and weren't surprised when the owner walked over.

"That isn't allowed in here." The owner said with a disapproving look at the entire table.

Jimin tilted his head innocently and simply asked "what?" Which the others had to hold back giggles in response to.

The man groaned before saying "You know what."

Jimin looked even more innocently as he said "I'm just copying that boy and girl over their who are still to busy making kissy faces to notice what's happening."

The owner didn't want to look back so swore under his breath walking away.

Jimin sighed dramatically then rested his head on his arm before commenting "Subtle much." Which got him some serious side eye.

After that the whole group burst out laughing, ordering quickly so they were left alone to have fun then returning home after there little journey out into town.

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