Part 9: First impressions

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Two knocks were heard at the door so Yoongi carefully got up then opened it.

"Hi." Yoongi said with a small smile as he saw Jin standing with his phone in his hand.

"You feeling better?" Jin said handing it over and looking at Yoongi with a concerned face.

Yoongi nodded then thanked Jin for bringing his phone, Jin was about to leave but Yoongi heard Jungkook yell from the car they need to go to a public restroom on the way back causing Yoongi to invite the boys inside against his own better judgement.

Jungkook woke Jimin up telling him to get out of the car as he ran up to the door jumping on the spot.

"Last room on the right is the toilet, go on." Yoongi said widening the door getting a quick thank you as he ran past.

"Thank you Yoongi." Jin said both hyungs nodding to each other.

Jimin tiredly walked up to the door not sure what was going on or where they were.

"Hi Jimin-ah." Yoongi greeted confusing Jimin more.

"We're at Yoongi's apartment, we were just dropping off his phone but Jungkook needed to use the toilet." Jin explained causing Jimin to nod still confused.

Yoongi couldn't help but find his dongsaeng cute especially in that moment but he wouldn't admit that.

"Come in." Yoongi said opening the door fully to allow them both in.

Yoongi looked to the car but Jin explained it's his job to just wait around.

Yoongi led them both to the living room where they greeted Hoseok and Namjoon quietly, noticing the sleeping boy on the couch.

Yoongi sighed before deciding he'd wake Taehyung up.

He poked both sides of Taehyung's back making him jolt up in shock.

"Time to get up, this is Jimin and Jin hyung. There's another boy in the toilet called Jungkook. Remember me mentioning them?" Yoongi asked as Taehyung stared at him blankly.

"Yes?" Taehyung said thinking deeply before strongly confirming "Yes."

Taehyung stood up and pointed between the two saying "World wide shoulders with the puns and then the handsome annoying tease right?"

Both boys looked to Yoongi in shock that he'd spoke about them let alone described them like that as it matched Jungkook's descriptions.

Yoongi pretended that Taehyung basically didn't out that him finding Jimin attractive and just confirmed it nodding and taking the rubbish from the table into the kitchen.

Taehyung introduced himself then looked to the door frame where another stranger was standing.

"Yoongi hyung is that one the muscle bunny?!" Taehyung shouted to the kitchen getting a "Yeah!" Back.

Jungkook tilted his head slightly before a smile appeared on his face things quickly piecing together.

"You must be Taehyung, Yoongi's brother." Jungkook said holding his hand out.

They shook hands and Yoongi reappeared from the kitchen.

They spoke casually for a while until Jin decided to bring back up how Yoongi spoke about them to Taehyung considering Taehyung said it was pretty accurate.

"Taehyung? I'm sorry but how was it that Yoongi hyung described us to you?" Jin asked.

Yoongi turned to Taehyung with no emotion on his face as Taehyung stared back at him with an innocent smile.

"Basically he told me how everyone described you to him and said it was true so world wide shoulder and puns. He told me about Jungkookie having a bunny smile and said how he works out and is basically the golden maknae. He said that Jimin was friendly but he didn't want to be friends with him because he was really handsome and he thought he could get away with just ignoring him but his plan backfired and then he gay pan-" Taehyung said getting interrupted by a pillow colliding with his face.

"Hyunggggggggg." Taehyung complained with a pout as everyone was amused.

"So I'm friendly and handsome." Jimin said with a smirk looking at Yoongi smugly.

Yoongi pretended to not hear him as everyone waited for a reaction.

Yoongi was coincidentally sat next to Jimin so Jimin rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder as he looked up at him through his eyelashes cutely.

Yoongi looked away from Jimin who was smiling fondly at him, trying his best to avoid eye contact.

"Yoongiiiiiiiiiiii hyung~" Jimin sang poking Yoongi's cheek.

"You should be offended that I wanted to ignore you." Yoongi said rather Jimin being mad at him than teasing him more.

Jimin shrugged and said "Starting a new school is intimidating so I don't blame you. It's a good job Kookie is persistent otherwise you might have gotten away with your plan because believe it or not I'm shy." Chuckling at the end.

"You? Shy?" Hoseok said causing everyone to laugh.

"Your not escaping this one Yoongi." Jin said smiling happily at the two boys.

Yoongi sighed before complaining "Your to nice." Which caused Jimin to start laughing, ending up with his face resting on Yoongi's shoulder.

"So hyung what do you think of us now?" Jimin asked looking to Yoongi with a cute eye smile.

"Don't you want to know what Namjoon and Hoseok thought of you?" Yoongi said wanting to change topic as he carried on avoiding eye contact.

All three boys in unison said "No."

Yoongi sighed before looking at Taehyung saying "Say nothing."

Taehyung nodded and gestures that his mouth was zipped shut causing all the boys too awe sadly in response.

Jin noticed the time so said they should get going thanking Yoongi and their new friend Taehyung for having them then offering Hoseok and Namjoon a lift which they politely accepted leaving just Yoongi and Taehyung in the apartment.

Yoongi sighed as he collapsed on the couch opposite to the one Taehyung was lay out on.

"They seem really nice hyung, why are you so worried about being friends with them?" Taehyung asked looking to Yoongi as he added "Jimin seems like he likes you more than friends too."

Yoongi shook his head explaining "We're vampires and their humans. Nine times out of ten it doesn't end well and relationships are been less likely. I don't want to get attached just to lose them which is why I didn't introduce you to them sooner because I didn't want you to get hurt again."

Taehyung nodded in acknowledgement, both getting some more blood since they needed more then watching some tv.

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