Part 10: Remember

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Jimin has been looking for a chance to talk to Yoongi since he went to his apartment but Yoongi had successfully managed to keep people with them both constantly.

So that's why Jimin, Jin and Jungkook made a plan so Jimin could talk to Yoongi alone - properly and not just to tease him.

Jin would talk to Namjoon and keep him distracted since they normally got lost in conversation anyways when they spoke.

Jungkook planned on getting Hoseok to help him with homework so he just planned it for when Jin planned on talking to Namjoon and Jimin talking to Yoongi.

They were all supposed to meet on the roof at dinner but before Namjoon and Hoseok got there they were snatched by the other two boys giving Jimin and Yoongi a chance to talk alone.

Jimin walked up to the roof where Yoongi was already lay down watching the sky.

"Hiya hyung." Jimin said sitting down next to him getting greeted back.

"Looks like the others probably aren't coming." Yoongi said lifting his hand so he could see his watch before placing it back down.

"Probably." Jimin said suddenly feeling shy.

Yoongi noticed Jimin's quietness so looked up at him questioning "Are you okay?"

Jimin nodded before looking down at Yoongi who was looking up at him.

"So about the other day when we were at your house." Jimin began making Yoongi's speechless due to the surprise that he remembered.

"Yeah I remembered." Jimin said looking down at Yoongi who actually managed to keep eye contact.

"I was hoping you wouldn't." Yoongi said honestly, sitting up.

"Well I did and you managed to get away with what you were asked but I was curious. What do you think about us now?" Jimin said not being his usually cheery, teasing self.

Yoongi noticed this so answered to a certain degree saying "Jin still has world wide shoulder and his puns aren't just puns now, there bad. But he's still a funny person and he's one of my friends same goes for you and Jungkook. Jungkook is still a muscle bunny, he's friendly and talkative and very open which I've noticed the more I've gotten to know you all. And well your you."

"I'm me?" Jimin asked slightly confused.

"Yep, your Park Jimin." Yoongi said with a sweet smile.

"You described the others so well but I'm just me?" Jimin said confused and not sure if it was a good or bad thing.

Yoongi sighed feeling slightly bad but he also didn't want to get to close to a human which he had a feeling he would do - especially with Jimin since they just naturally worked.

"Do I really need to explain?" Yoongi asked as Jimin cutely looked at him with a pout and die eyes as he nodded.

"Well your friendly like when I first met you, if not more. Your caring and considerate and you don't mind me using you as a human pillow. You have a good sense of humour and good spirit. And you have the ability to light up a room and make people happy just by smiling. So in comparison to when I met you, your basically better than what I thought but that's seemed impossible than when I first met you." Yoongi said purposely avoiding saying how much he liked him.

Jimin started to tear up slightly making Yoongi panic that he said something wrong but that quickly dissolved with Jimin saying "Thank you hyung."

Yoongi's facial expression softened not really sure why Jimin was so emotional by what he said but comforting him anyways.

He placed a hand on Jimin's head and played with his hair with care as he let the boy just cry knowing sometimes people just need that - especially humans thus the origin of the phrase I'm only human.

"You okay?" Yoongi asked worriedly as Jimin nodded slightly wiping his eyes.

"I'm better now thanks to you." Jimin said giving him a small eye smile.

"Are you sure?" Yoongi asked getting a nod from Jimin.

"I was just getting nervous that you didn't actually like me because I really like you hyung." Jimin explained causing Yoongi to make a 'O' shape with his mouth.

"The reason I ignored you was because I knew I would like you but I'm not a people person really since people just bring trouble." Yoongi explained as Jimin listened and nodded.

"I get you. Some times I think like that but then people be nice to me and I just end up with more people around me." Jimin said sadly before adding "Then one small thing comes out and everyone hates you."

Yoongi related to him instantly and wanted to help but wasn't sure how he could so he just did all he could which was listen.

"You know this isn't the first school I came too." Jimin said looking to Yoongi who was patiently listening.

"I went to this really crappy school in the down town area of the next town over. Even though it was pretty bad I still went everyday because I had my friends their who I thought I could trust but then I trusted one too much apparently and he couldn't keep it to himself. The next day I went in and everyone stared at me weirdly and I didn't know why until someone was slamming me against a locker and calling me as many things as he could think of." Jimin said with the sadness in his face growing.

"I looked over to the people I thought were my friends but they all looked at me in disgust, the only one smiling being Jaejoon who told everyone my secret." Jimin said as he scoffed at the memory, pain clearly present.

Tears started to form in Jimin's eyes which told Yoongi Jimin has said enough so he placed a comforting hand on his leg as he said "That won't happen again."

Jimin nodded with a forced smile as he emotionlessly said "I know because I'm not telling anyone again. Jaejoon can go to hell."

Yoongi was slightly shocked that Jimin had gone through something like he had let alone that r would have affected him so much considering how friendly and likeable he was.

Yoongi was going to say you can tell me but decided it would be best not to in case it made them closer, but the looking temptation to say it and be there for him was there.

Luckily enough though he was saved by the bell for the next class.

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