Chapter 4: The sun

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Cynthia Duncan

He was the Sun itself. Everybody and everything seemed to revolve around him at my school, Simon Baruch Junior High School. Just like earth and the other seven planets of the solar system orbited around the Sun.

I'd like to tell you about the year that changed everything. How soon enough, I, myself, the moon of Simon Baruch Junior High also found myself revolving around him, the Sun of Simon Baruch Junior High.

By the end of this story, you'll come to know the truth and face the facts about the moon and the sun. So quick question directed to you my dear readers. Who do you choose? The moon or the sun?

Chose one straight answer for now and by the end of the story I hope you do not change your answer just like the characters in the story would.

I will tell you the story of the moon and the sun. Or more specifically of me and him.

Most people found it funny. Most interesting and most intrigued. But here at my school, it was the issue for hot top gossips about the old lady attending Simon Baruch Junior High.

So you're probably thinking why an old lady was attending high school even in the first place(*readers silently mocking and laughing*). Yes, the old lady had to attend high school because education is necessary and she had to pass high school to get into her dream college.(*Readers: this is the first time am hearing of an old lady attending high school followed by haha hahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahah hahaaahhaaaaa to the extent that readers are holding their stomachs*).

Well, the moment of truth. (*Author: Am going to regret this. Deep sigh*).

"The truth eventually comes out, doesn't it?"

One sec please. (*Author takes three deep breaths*)

The old lady attending Simon High is me. Cynthia Duncan.(*Readers: Whaaaaatttttt.*).

(*Readers now crying out little tears of joy from the corner of their squinting eyes: you're an old lady*). (*Author sighs*).


Am not an old lady. Following the rules and regulations of any school system, am a regular 17 year old attending junior high school.(*Readers: ohhhhhhhhhwait ohhh ohhh oh-oh-oh M---G !!!!!!!!!!!,then why are you called an old lady. Still silently laughing*).

(*Author sighs*). It's because I have total white hair like that of an old lady. Henceforth, the name stuck. I have a very long hair reaching up to my hips because I don't like cutting my hair every now and then and yes, It's complete white. How to describe it. From head to toe? OHHH. Better: from scalp till the spilt ends. Just like an old la(*Readers: hahahahah hahahaha hahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaah hahahhahahahhha haahhahahah!!!!!!!! Ahahah!!!!! Hahaahha!!!!! Hahahahahh!!!!!!!. Now readers are seen to be holding their stomachs, falling back behind with eyes squinted and they probably cannot see much of the light since theyre.*).dys.

So yeah..(*Author silently appearing to be slightly intimidated*).

I was another kind of hot topic of my school. While he was the main star and attraction for all the hushed gossips that seemed to fill our hallways and all of them were always something good about him. Every person in school including the school principal and teachers were secretly rooting for him all the time and what more could I say about the students of Simon High. He was the Sun of Simon High. The main attraction to everyone's eyes just like the sun as it rises every morning from behind the mountains and signals the dawn of a new day.

On the contrary, I happened to be the hot topic for most eve teasing and serious sudden bursts of laughter whenever I happened to pass by in the school hallways. I was simply a stand in. I was simply a mere luminescent shadow whose intrinsic light though magical on its own accord would seemingly and unknowingly pass unseen by many students down the hallway. While he seemed to grab everyone's attention without even having to ask for it. Just like the sun. The sun shined on its own accord while the moon had to depend on the sun for its intrinsic light. The sun was luminescent but the moon was not. There. Thats the very difference between the hot topic: me and main hot topic of our school.

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