Chapter 30

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" A Vytal Festival? In Vacuo?" Glynda repeated to herself as she read the papers. " So we're still doing that then...only Haven won't be participating." Ozpin sipped his coffee as he listened.

" Interesting. So it seems other combat schools will each send a representative in favour of Haven." He helped skim through them to decrease the work load on Glynda. " Oh wait, Haven will be sending one team over to represent them. So they are participating, just not as a whole. Oh my," He looked at the time and stood up. " My apologies, Glynda. It's time for Oscar to study and as another soul inhabiting this body, I must respect his needs. See you soon," His olive eyes flashed and Oscar blinked a few times before awkwardly leaving the room. " Um, bye Miss Goodwitch."

" As you are, Oscar." She said, her eyes not leaving the papers before her. Having Ozpin reincarnate is good but still, balancing the body of a child to be built for combat will take time. As far as anyone knows, Yang is helping to train both her sister and Oscar for hand to hand combat. Sometimes Ozpin wonders if Veena would train them better or how she would judge his ability to teach. At least, things seem brighter here at Beacon.

" Hey, Oscar!" Ruby greeted him with a smile as he was about to enter his room. " How'd it go with Glynda?"

" Well, it seems that there's still going to be a Vytal festival this year but Vacuo is hosting. Haven's only sending one team to represent while other teams will be sent from other combat schools in Mistral. I hope Shade Academy would be water tight this time, wouldn't want another 'Fall of Beacon'....hehe..." He quickly regretted his choice of words as a sad smile was displayed on Ruby's face. She was thinking about her friends again. " H-Hey, um, I- Do you want to get something to eat? I'll buy you." He offered to change the subject. 'Oscar, I know you feel sorry for her but don't forget about your studies. You can go, but I'm making you stay up to cover up for lost time.'. Oscar groaned. " But Ooblek's class is tomorrow..."

" Something wrong?" He shook his head and shrugged. " Ok, sure. I could use something to eat."

" Maybe stop by for smoothies along the way?"

" Yes! Strawberry please!" She cheered as they head off.

Pen sat comfortably in his office with a hot mug of chocolate to warm the heart. He laid back in his favourite chair and thought of any activities for the children to do during the Vytal Festival. He could take them to watch a match somewhere, if he had the money. A tap on the window disturbed his thoughts but he welcomed the distraction. A bird stood there looking through the window with her black beady eyes, her feathers were dull and unattractive but what made this little bird stand out was that sweet voice. He opened the window and let her in. When the bird rested on his desk, it slumped and upon closer inspection it was a fake.

" Hello, Pen." Heather said as she became visible to him. Just a little magic the Sparrow gave her. Possessing a little doll only needed the concentration of aura and a little special material woven into it. " She wants you to take the children to the Vytal festival, about the fee, you don't have to worry. A new friend has joined our flock and she was generous enough to offer to take you there. A Raven."

' For real?' He signed. ' So we have both the Branwen twins on our flock. How interesting. The children are going to love this!' He signed with a smile. ' Thank you, Heather. How is everyone else? Use codenames to test my memory.' Heather gave him a lovely laugh and replied in an even tone.

" Well, our skylark will be among the representatives for his father. The crow is gathering information as well as making sure no one knows of our precious little blackbird, he's drinking as we speak. As you know, our owl is busy sorting papers. The hummingbird is planning the Vytal festival and is teasing her staff by scaring them and floating about. Oh, did you know our sparrow is attending Shade Academy? Then, we have our heron in Atlas, getting information on the military movements to make sure it all goes according to plan. And we are yet to find ourselves a magpie." She glanced at him to make sure he understood, he seemed fine. " Did you catch that?" He paused for a moment before asking.

' Who's our heron again?' She gave him a look and he understood. ' Right, the sparrow's brother. Remind me how you all are able to be birds again. Aside from the Branwen twins of course.'

" The puppets, Pen. We can inhabit them because they're made with dust and some aura by the sparrow. How does that girl have the ability to make so many in short timing? She doesn't use magic for it but she does have talent. She can do a lot of things." Heather stated and noticed the look on Pen's face. " Is there something you want to tell me, Pen?" He hesitated before shaking his head. She left it at that and decided to head out again. After their goodbyes, he took a moment to think for himself. Neo didn't seem so bad, a little ruff around the edges sure, but not evil. Hopefully not evil.

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