Chapter 37

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" Hey!" Sun called out to them. With his big grin he walked across the deck with his friends by his side. " Glad you guys could make it! So team RWBY and..."

" JNOR. This is Oscar, he's still new to this." Jaune said as Oscar waved nervously.

" He looks kinda young though." Neptune said. " Oh, he's like Ruby right? A bit early to be attending Beacon."

" Hehe...yeah..." Was all he could say.

" No need to be so nervous, kid." Scarlet pointed out and Oscar chuckled.

" So, is it just you guys escorting us?" Blake asked them with a smile.

" Actually there's another team. But you don't need to worry about those guys. They're transfer students that just started this year and their leader kind of reminds me of my grandma." He whispered the last bit.

" That's not very nice." Weiss said crossing her arms.

" I meant like, in a good way. She sounds a bit old sometimes. Which is kind of weird 'cause she's literally two years younger than us-" Scarlet tapped his shoulder and put a finger to his lips. " Oh, crap."

" Hey, team SSSN!" A girl with short brown hair with a green cap called their team name angrily. " You better not be talking about our leader. Or so help me, I will rip out your eyeballs, shove them down your throat just so you can see me rip it open!" Sun flinched and smiled sheepishly as he tried to convince the angry lady that he meant no such thing.

" Look, uh, Owen." Neptune began trying to give a charming smile. " We would do no such thing. I promise-" Owen growled and stomped her foot on the ground. A hand found its way onto her shoulder and she almost flinched.

" Owen, Rizzie needs you below deck. Some team called 'CRDL' is causing some racist trouble. They're picking on another team with a faunus." Owen looked at him in disbelief and stormed off to find her teammate and partner. " So sorry, she's a bit on edge...She doesn't like the sea." He chuckled softly, they were mostly awed by the general way he looks. Yang nudged them to stop staring at his wings which part of it was actually metallic, a prosthetic. " Um, heh. I'm Liam, from team VLOR (Valor). We're kind of still new to Shade Academy, just started this year actually...I hope you'll excuse my teammate." He started to look uncomfortable and tried to hide his wings.

" Hey," Yang called him and removed her prosthetic. " It's nothing to be ashamed of." He smiled back at her and excused himself to join his teammates. " I like him."

" So, are you guys ready to crush it at the Vytal Festival?" Ruby asked her friends with an excited smile. They cheered and she couldn't be happier. " Sun, what actually happened to him? Sorry if I'm rude...just wanted to know- It's okay if it's personal, I mean he might not like people talking about it. You know what? Forget what I said...." Ruby trailed off as Yang shook her head softly, her little sister is adorable.

" Some say it was an accident but he doesn't really say. Also I heard their leader was ill during the previous week to the point she wasn't even allowed to leave her room. I hope she's well enough for the Festival." Sage said thoughtfully. " Some say they're really good in battle, especially with their team leader at the helm." Nora felt a bit of excitement, as did the others. It would be exciting to see this team live up to their name.

" So you say, we have a possible ride to Shade? Interesting." Cinder had a wicked smile across her face as the opportunity presented itself. " Don't you worry, we'll have our revenge. Just let me talk to the one in charge and I'll get us through." Neo nodded reluctantly. She had given Cinder two choices, but Pen's way was the fastest and Cinder was craving for results. A small part of her ached but a deal's a deal, little did she know the cost of it.

" Hey," Qrow opened the window of his room at the inn to let the dove in. " Well?" The dove pecked in morse on the window sill. The blackbird had just gotten her first grimm kill, a relatively small beowolf. A good start. Along with it came instructions and quite unexpectedly, an invitation. " She wants me in Vacuo? Not sure if that's a good idea but alright. What for?" The dove tapped rhythmically and Qrow smiled. " That's it? For me to spend time with my nieces? You've gotta be joking." Then his face fell as it kept tapping. " Guard the little rose? Wait, you're saying Ruby's in danger?" The dove seem to shrug as he thought for a moment. " Alright, I'll concider it like a holiday if that's what she wants. But you tell my sister, don't ever put her guard down. Something's off and I got a bad feeling. Think you can do that?" The dove nodded and he let out a small sigh. " Thanks,"

Old Soul ( RWBY Fanfic with my OC)Where stories live. Discover now