LFC - Chapter Three

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Shane's POV

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Shane's POV

We both were able to make it into the water, but my arm was shot while shielding Raquel.

"Why did you take that bullet for me, Mr. Landes?" Raquel asked while we tried to swim far enough away from the boat for a police rescue boat to pick us up.

"Because I promised your brother, and I am keeping it." It hurt like crazy, but we made it off that boat.

We saw a small, inflatable motorboat on its' way to pick us up. There were two police officers on the boat. "Please help Raquel up first." They helped Raquel up first, then me. Then we were whisked away to a rescue basket to be airlifted in a hospital helicopter. Raquel was lifted first; then, I was airlifted. The helicopter then took off to the hospital.


Julian's POV

While Adrian and Brently were in the room with Bliss, I held Shane Jr. in my arms. Then, I looked at the monitor and saw a news flash about the ship. "Hey, look up at the television monitor. There is more news about that ship Shane is on."


Narrator's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just received word that two passengers that were aboard the restaurant cruise ship have escaped, and they are on the way to the hospital as we speak. We learned that their names are Shane Landes and Raquel Kendall. Mr. Landes was apparently shot shielding Ms. Kendall. Please stay tuned for more info on this breaking news."


Julian's POV

I turned to Grayson and noticed he had a few tears in his eyes.

"Listen, I know we don't particularly care for each other, but I am glad your sister will be okay."

"Thank you. Here is Shane's phone for when you see him. I hope Bliss will be okay."

"I'm hoping too. I can't lose another loved one. Is that your father? I think he just entered the waiting room. He is coming this way."

We walked over to Carly, Andrea, and Mason.

"Uncle Julian got you, Junior. Your mommy is going to be okay. And your daddy has been rescued." He started cooing. He is a smart little baby for, two months old.

"Your grandma and grandpa just entered the room, Junior." I waved them over.

"Shane and Grayson's sister have been rescued. Shane was shot while shielding Grayson's sister. They are on the way to the hospital."

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