LFC - Chapter Eight

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Saturday, March 4th, 2023

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Saturday, March 4th, 2023

Bliss' POV

I am so glad to be home. After two weeks in Barbados, I was ready to come back. And Nana Adrian said that Junior was on his best behavior.

They are going to bring him over later. Shane and I crashed on the couch. He is still asleep. I couldn't stay asleep because I was excited to see my son.

About 3 hours later, I heard a knock on the door. Shane had a very tight grip around my waist.

"Shane, let me go. I need to answer the door." He talks about how I sleep. Well, he is just as hard to wake up. I'm going in for the tickle.

He started laughing, and so did I. "I need to get the door." He let me go, so I went to answer the door.

I checked through the peephole, and it was Adrian and Junior. So, I opened the door.

"Hi, come on in."

"Guess what? Junior has been trying to walk. Watch this." Adrian put Junior on the floor. He sat down, then tried standing up.

"Shane!! Get out here before you miss it!" He came out just in time. Without any help, Junior stood up and then started taking steps toward Shane and me.

"I'll be right back!" Shane ran back into the living room, and then he came back with his phone to video Junior walking.

"Come to mommy, baby boy!" Baby Shane was actually walking! But, now we really are in trouble. Once he made it to me, he fell on his tush. And he didn't cry. Junior started laughing.

I picked Baby Shane up and gave him kisses all over his face! "Good boy!" I put him back on the floor, and he did it again. He walked to Adrian this time. After walking to Nana, Junior crawled away very quickly. Shane followed him.

"Thank you for watching Baby Shane. I appreciate it very much. And, thank dad for us too."

"You're welcome, sweetie. He was an angel to watch. And he didn't break anything."

"Thank goodness. I was hoping he didn't. Would you like something to drink or eat?"

"I'm sure you and Shane are still tired, so how about I come back tomorrow? How did Shane take your surprise?"

"Okay. Thanks. Give dad a hug and kiss. And tell him I said thank you. Shane fainted, but he was very excited."

"You're welcome, honey. Good boy. We all are excited. Try and get some rest." Adrian and I hugged each other, and then I watched her get in dad's Cadillac and pull off home. I locked the door and joined my boys wherever they were.

The television was still on, so I went there first. That fast, both Shane Junior and Senior fell asleep. I turned off the television, grabbed two blankets, placed one over them, and then I went to the other couch and laid down with the intention of falling asleep.

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