Chapter 1: The Void

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Sabre's POV:

  The darkened sky began to cover the vast world around me. My eyes couldn't advert away from the sky. Something about it... it just wasn't right. I couldn't say what was wrong, but it just didn't feel like the normal night time sky I'm used to.

  "Sabre?" a high pitched voice spoke out questionably. I turned around to face the rainbow colored Steve. He looked at me with slight concern as he glanced at the sky himself. "I-is everything alright?"

  I couldn't help but smile softly. I glanced back up to the sky with a small frown, though.

  "I guess. It's just that... there's something off about the sky; don't you think?" I asked looking back into his eyes. He raised an eyebrow before shaking his head side to side.

  "No. It seems fine to me," he said. "But it's late. We need to get back."

  I nodded. He smiled and began to walk away from where he stood. I glanced back at the sky before walking behind Rainbow Steve. Suddenly, and don't ask why or how, I felt like something, no someone, was coming in hot behind us.

I quickly turned, only to see a fireball coming directly at us. My eyes widened.

I turned back around and began to run. I grabbed Rainbow Steve's wrist and dragged him along to.

"WOah! What in the world Sabre?" Rainbow asked as he began running so his feet wouldn't drag.

"FIREBALLS!" I exclaimed. He glanced back. He turned back around, eyes wide.

He kept running along side me, weaving through the trees of a forest. Lighting strikes dug deep holes behind us, and where we were running.

At one point, a lighting bolt struck just right. I fell down into the hole, but Rainbow Steve was able to dodge it. I ran over to the side to begin climbing my way out. Before I could, however, the huge hole shrunk, and was surrounded by bedrock.

My inventory was cleared, leaving nothing but the Galaxy Sword.

"W-what?" I said worryingly. I tried to jump to get a grip on the side, but I knew it was hopeless to even try.

"Hahahahahahahah! There's no use in trying, Sabre. Bedrock can't be broken, and you're inventory was completely cleared," I heard an all to familiar voice say menacingly. Void Steve stood victoriously at the top of the hole.

'Wait, he cleared my inventory? Then why is the sword still here. Better not take it out; he might get mad,' I thought glaring up to the evil Steve.

Another Steve came up beside him. It shocked me. Rainbow Steve stood with him, giving me a soft frown. My eyes went wide in shock.

"R-Rainbow Steve... why? HE'S EVIL!" I yelled pointing madly at him. He shock his head.

"N-no, he's not. He's a good guy... but you, I'm not so sure," Rainbow Steve said hugging his arms. He can't be serious, right? I saved his life, and he's saved mine. How can he say that?

"Rainbow Steve... how can you say that?" I said with a little hurt in my voice. He just looked away sadly.

"Go, I'll deal with him," Void Steve said looking at Rainbow Steve. He nodded and left.

I looked to Void. My breathing caused my whole body to move when I did breath. I glared at him, not wanting to show the slight bits of fear I had right now.

  "What do you want with me? I don't have any powers, so what do you possibly want with a worthless, no power guy like me?!" I yelled at him. Somehow, it felt like Void was smirking down to me.

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