Chapter 21: Truth Be Told

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Sabre's POV:

  'I have markings that represent my powers? That's the most craziest thing I've heard today!' I thought with a slight laugh. Apparently, my laugh was not in my head.

  "We're not joking, Sabre. Go look in the water," Rainbow Steve demanded as he pointed to a nearby pond. I laughed once again and began making my way over to the water.

"Come on, guys. It was a funny joke, but-" I began before I reached the moving water. I stopped my sentence there, and it was never finished.

"See, Sabre? We were not joking," Void Steve said as he appeared next to me. I didn't look up to him.

My mouth was dropped open, and my eyes were wide in shock, but no one could see my freakish eyes. My breathing got heavy. My hand made its way to my heart to make sure it was still beating. Even though I knew it was, my hand wouldn't leave. I guess I feared it would stop all of a sudden.

"Sabre? Are you okay?" Jake asked as he kneeled next to me. I snapped away from my freaking out thoughts and faced my older brother.

"Am I okay? AM I OKAY?! NO I'M NOT OKAY! Th-these markings... what d-do they m-m-mean!" I exclaimed while shaking Jake for dear life.

  "Okay, Sabre. Just calm down, okay? We can figure this out," Alex said.

  "WHAT DOES IT MEAN!" I yelled once again, ignoring my thinking friends. Suddenly, my body was coated in fire. It didn't burn, but my mind was racing everywhere. "I'M ON FIRE!"

  I began to run around to get the fire off of me, but I failed. The others tried to call me down, but I was too panicked to do anything.

  "Sabre! Calm down, dude!" Alex yelled as he tried to hold me in place with his staff. I teleported away before he could. Not what I meant to do... actually, I didn't mean to do anything.

  "Teleportation? That's random..." Rainbow Steve mumbled loudly.

  "I didn't mean to do that! I didn't mean to do anything! What is happening to me!" I yelled frightfully.

  "I got it!" Void Steve exclaimed. I decided to calm down from my panicked state and looked at Void Steve.

"Wh-what... what do you have?" I asked.

"I know what's going on with you. Before we restored your powers, we gave you parts of ours. Our powers are still within you. I'm pretty sure your powers have just been boosted. Those marks appear when you are experiencing some of your true potential," Void Steve explained as he examined the fire still burning around me. I blinked a little bit, then looked to my burning body.

"So... this is just my powers not being compatible with my body? I mean, I've had my powers all my life. My body adapted to my normal powers, and it's not use to the extra," I concluded. Void Steve nodded his head in agreement.

  "Well, that makes sense. Any new powers?" Galaxy Steve asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"If so, I'm not aware of them. I don't know if I wanna test it out either," I said rubbing my arm. Jake put his hand on my shoulder to try and comfort me once again. I smiled at him. "Thank you, Jake."

"Anytime, Sabre. I will always be here for you. I'm just sorry I wasn't here to help sooner," Jake said sadly. I laughed a little.

  "Jake... you're fine. If I'd known who you were, I would've helped a long time ago as well," I said softly.

  "Can you two have your bonding moment later? I'm still not good around all of this... kindness" Void Steve said. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

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