Chapter 44: They're... Leaving?!

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Sabre's POV:

  "Okay. I should be able to do this... and then some of this spell..." Alex mumbled waving his staff around some. Everyone watched intensely. While I was wanting the two siblings to stay, I wanted them to get back home to their people. I mean, isn't Alex suppose to rule their kingdom.

  "Are you sure about this, Alex?" Mary asked unsurely.

  "Of course! This should wor-THERE WE GO!" Alex exclaimed happily once a portal formed. We all flinched at the sudden loudness is his voice.

You could see through the portal and out the other side. People exchanged worried glances as they saw the portal. However, smiles came to their faces when they saw Alex and Mary.

"Hey! It's the prince and the princess!" someone exclaimed happily.

  "Prince and princess? I thought Alex was the king!" I said with a slight glare. Mary and Alex both flinched and looked towards us worryingly.

  "Uh... well... you see..." Mary stuttered.

  "You lied to us?" Void Steve asked a little angrily. To be honest, I'm a tad mad myself. I mean, it's not a huge lie, but to claim something like that?! It's not the best thing to say about one's personality.

  "Well... I'm sorry. I just wanted to seem supreme to you guys..." Alex muttered while scratching the back of his head.

  "Called it!" Tyler exclaimed. We all flinched, including Alex and Mary.

  "Wait, what!" Alex exclaimed. "How?!"

  "Most kings don't do the thing you two do. Honestly, you two seem a little bit more rambunctious than a king would act like. Another thing, normally, a king would have a defining feature to them to make them stand out. I've read in a hybrid's case, it's their combined feature (the animal or beast they are mixed with). I figured for you, it would be your wings. However, your wings are the exact same. If you two are really brother and sister, which I don't doubt, then Alex's wings would be different from Mary's."

Everyone fell silent. The only sounds were from the exclaimed people on the other side of the portal. They were shouting for their "prince and princess" to come back home.

"H-how did you?" Mary stuttered in shock. Ty deadpanned and pointed to his demon wings.

"I'm a hybrid as well you know. I've done my fair share of research since I've become one," Ty said crossing his arms and closing his eyes.

"Since you've become one?" I questioned. "Were you not always a hybrid?"

  "Huh? No? I thought you all caught on to that," Ty said. "Did you not?"

  "No... no we didn't..." Void Steve mumbled in disbelief. Ty blinked a few times.

  "Huh..." he mumbled looking up at the sky. He let out a small chuckle. "We will save that story for another time."

  "Yeah... we need to get going," Mary said sadly. We all turned our attention back to the siblings. I let a small, sad smile spread on my face.

  "We're going to miss you guys..." I said before engulfing the two in a hug. They both hugged back.

Everyone else soon joined in on the hug.

"Be safe," Kylie said squeezing the living crap out of Mary. "Awe... now I'm going to be the only girl of the group."

"Don't worry. Now that we know how to travel between dimensions, we can visit anytime we want! Well, when we have the time..." Mary said.

  "Yay!" Kylie exclaimed while pulling the only other female into a tighter hug than before.

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