Chapter 5: The Capture

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Sabre's POV:

"Wait... so I can literally just think of where I want the lighting to strike, and it happens?" I asked not fully believing Void Steve, even though he's been right about everything so far. He sighed.

"Yes... Sabre, you basically have Steve powers, but a little more than a normal Steve. The powers us Steve's and you have in common, work the same way," he said. I just nodded, and did as he said. Void Steve was not someone to make mad because you defied him.

I closed my eyes to help me concentrate better. I thought about the lighting landing just a few blocks in front of me, and far enough for safety.

I was about to give up when nothing happened, but I decided to give it one last try. So I thought about it... thought about it... thought about it... BAM!

My eyes shot open, and I jumped back in fear. I didn't actually think it would happen. I looked back to Void Steve, making sure it wasn't him.

He nodded and told me good job. I actually did that! I mean, Void Steve has really helped me out when it came to my powers. Now, I can run extremely fast, fly without wings or rockets, summon blocks by will, and many other things that Steve's could do.

"I think we should stop for today. It's not good to overload yourself with your new powers. The power could consume you, if you are not careful," Void Steve said as he began to walk back.

  I began to follow him, but something grabbed me from behind. A hand covered my mouth, and the other arm snakes around my waist area.

I began to struggle, hoping to get free, but to no avail.

  I thought about making lightning strike just a little in front of Void Steve; just enough to get his attention. I did just that.

  He turned back to me, so he could yell about almost hitting him. He froze and his mad expression soften as he saw why I did that.

  "Slade..." he growled. So that's who had me. SLADE! OH NO; NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! My struggling got harder; trying so hard to break free, but he was too strong.

  "Void Steve. So great to see you again, but I must be off. I have big plans, as you know," Slade said putting a tighter grip on me. I winced in pain. No doubt I would have bruises around my waist soon.

  Suddenly, a lot of lightning surrounded Slade and me. I looked at Void Steve with pleading eyes, hoping he would do something if he could. I knew there was nothing he could do, though.

  The next thing I knew, I was in a cell; Slade still not letting go. We stayed the way we were for a moment, before he finally let me go.

I took in a deep breath of air. It was much needed. I felt so weak, so I collapsed to the floor and on my knees.

"Hello, Sabre," Slade said with a smirk. I didn't respond, because I was too scared to answer him. I didn't want to answer him. "You better answer, Sabre. I'm not a person you want to make mad."

"Leave me alone," I said not looking at him. I heard him laugh. I felt his hand pull my hood down on my chicken onesie, then grab a handful of hair.

  He pulled on it, making my head go back, and some of body lifted off the ground. I clenched my eyes shut. It felt like he had just ripped out a huge chunk of hair.

"S-stop!" I winced. I didn't struggle, because I knew it would only hurt worse. He laughed, but didn't let go.

"Why would I do that? You are a big part of my plan. In fact, you can go ahead and say goodbye to your friends. I can't wait any longer to put my plan into motion. Be good, and don't struggle," he said into my ear.

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