Chapter 7: What's Real Life Anymore?

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Sabre's POV:

'Where am I? I don't remember being here?' I thought as I opened my eyes. It was kind of dark.

I could hear my breathing, like it was someone else breathing right next to me. I concluded it was me when I didn't see anyone there.

  "Hello?" I called out. Maybe someone was there, even though I couldn't see them. "Is anyone there?"

  There was silence. I tried sitting up, but my body was too weak. I inhaled deeply before forcing my aching body to sit up.

  Slowly, I was able to stand on my own two feet. I looked around, still seeing nothing but black.

  There's no way I can be here. I was standing in an open field with Galaxy, Rainbow, and Void Steve. The ground around me was dying, then I, suddenly, blacked out. Now, I'm here.

  "PLEASE! SOMEONE ANSWER ME!" I yelled out desperately. I began to panic. My heart was racing, and my mind was racing all over the place.

  "Sabre~" a soft and gentle voice whispered to me. I flinched.

  It sounded like a woman's voice. I looked around for the voice, but I didn't see anyone there. I could hear my breathing once again.

  "W-who's there?" I asked into the darkness.

  Suddenly, I was blinded by a light invading the darkness. I had to cover my eyes, so I could still see with them. I would hate to go blind right now.

  I didn't really know where I was, yet it looked very familiar. I looked around my surrounding, taking in every little detail.

  I was in, what looked like, an open field. However, everything was white, except the ground. There was no Sun, no clouds, no blue sky. Nothing. The ground looked like normal; green grass, flowers, trees, a woman... a woman?

  I looked over to a woman just standing there. She stared at me with a soft smile. She had beautiful emerald green eyes, and long, thin brown hair.

  I walked over to her, very slowly. She looked trustworthy, but I didn't want to assume anything.

  "Hello? Who are you?" I asked as I reached her.

  "Hello, Sabre. Now, how can you not remember me?" she asked, obviously not going to tell me who she was. That, somewhat, irked me.

  "Um... you don't look like anyone I know, ma'am," I said politely. She laughed, making me jump a little.

  "Oh, dear Sabre. My son. Oh, how you've grown! Such a polite young man!" she exclaimed happily. 'Son? MOM?!'

  "M-mom?" I stuttered. I felt tears pricked my eyes. The salty water wasted no time before running down my cheeks.

  "Of course, honey. Where is your bandana?" she questioned, that happy smile leaving her face. I frowned myself, yet a little bit of happiness and sadness stayed with me.

  "Void Steve. Before he remembered who I was, he took off my bandana. I still have it, but it's a little torn. I just haven't had time to put it back on. Heck... I've been mind controlled, training, and trying to survive," I explained. She smiled a little.

  "Being busy... I see. Sabre, you've grown into a fine young man. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to watch it, though," she said sadly. I smiled happily, then a rage boiled inside of me.

  "It's all Slade's fault. If he hadn't had killed you, you would still be here! If he wasn't so insane, you would've seen me grow! BUT NO! HE HAD TO RUIN IT ALL!" I yelled. I flailed my arms around, trying to get my point across.

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