Chapter 3: Hidden Power

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Sabre's POV:
~~~Flashback~~~(12 years ago)

"Mommy? Am I a freak?" I said looking at myself in the mirror. I had two different eye colors. My left eye was a bright yellow; that's already abnormal. My right eye was pure red. It would match the color of a crayon that was just red, no fancy names of the colors.

  "Sabre, no you are not a freak. You never have been, and you never will be. You are just different from some other kids. Now, why would you ever think that?" my mom asked while sitting down next to me on the counter.

  I looked at her, scanning for any signs that she was lying. She wasn't. She meant every word she just said.

"The other kids call me a freak..." I said looking back into the mirror.

Why can't I remember this? I don't remember this conversation.

"Sabre... ignore them. They are just jealous of who you are," she said rubbing my back.

What am I saying? And why am I so young again? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!

"Oh Sabre... Where are you Sabre?" a voice said out of nowhere. I was terrified. I've never heard this voice before in my life!

Void Steve?

Suddenly, the wall caved in. My mom gasped and immediately grabbed me up. I stared at the figures emerging from the hole in the wall.

Who's he with?

"Void Steve... Slade... you won't be getting Sabre!" my mom yelled. Me? Why do they want me?

  Slade? He looks like the guy that tried to kidnap me earlier. WAIT, WHAT!

  "Awe... you think you can protect Sabre? That's funny. Look, Sabre is going to be on our side, and help me rule the whole world!" Slade said, smirking ear to ear. Void Steve flinched and stared at Slade in disbelief.

  "Excuse you? You rule the world? No, it's us, as a team, who will rule the world," Void Steve said, glaring at Slade.

  "You're dumber than you look. You've just been a pawn in my game, Void Steve. Sabre will be mine. All of his power will be mine. You have NOTHING to do with what I plan to do for the world," Slade said.

  He did some sort of magic and tossed Void Steve away. Okay, now my mind is about to explode from fear. Why do these strange guys want me? Please, don't let me go with them...

  My mom took me away from the room. She had tears in her eyes as she put me down. He kneeled down and tug around in her pocket. She fished out a blindfold, and showed it to me.

  "Sabre, sweetie. I need you to put this blindfold on, and NEVER take it off. For ANYONE! Sabre, don't rust anyone. You are so much more powerful than you realize. Please, honey, be safe. I love you dearly, and never forget that," my mom said tying the blindfold around my eyes.

  "Wait, how can I still see out of this? What is this made of?" I asked looking around, still seeing plain as day. She smiled.

  "A special material. One side, you can see through just fine, while the other is ordinary and solid," she said. Just then, another explosion occurred. Slade has busted through the other wall.

  "Don't think you can hide Sabre forever. Believe me, he will be MINE!" Slade said.

"Run!" my mom said pushing me away. I was to scared to argue how much I didn't want to leave her. Instead, I just ran. I did as I was told and ran far away from this so called Slade person.

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