Chapter 41: Darkness Haunts the Living

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Sabre's POV:

  "The tent in pretty roomy," I commented while sipping up the last part of he zipper on the tent. I heard Jake hum.

  "Yeah. You did a nice job on these, Void Steve," Jake said looking over the evil looking Steve.

  "Thanks... I wasn't sure if I did okay with them," Void Steve replied sheepishly.

"You did just fine," I smirked while sitting next to Jake and Void Steve.

  "Yeah, you really did. I feel comfortable in here," Jake said as he tried to lean back against the flimsy fabric. He ended up almost falling through, so Void Steve and I had to catch him. He blinked a few times at us before we all ended up in fits of laughter.

  "Nice going, Jake," I laughed before pulling him up. He continued to laugh as he got back up into a sitting position.

  "Shut up," he said pushing me back some.

"Hold on..." Void Steve said worryingly. We sat quietly, eating to hear what he would say next. "You guys feel that, right?" he asked glancing between the two of us.

I sat still and focused on feeling the energy around me. I was immediately consumed by something dark. I couldn't stop myself from flinching away from the power.

"Y-yeah. It's dark... and powerful," I commented while rubbing my pounding head.

"What is it, though?" Jake asked as he put his hand somewhat into the air. It began to be coated in a dark aura. It looked as if some sort of magical essence was being absorbed into his hand. "It's not that close, but it's getting closer..."

"I can't be Krill... can it?" Void Steve suggested. I shook my head.

"No. He should've been on the same off track quest as we were. The dragon said they would guide him in the wrong direction because of his evil intents," I recalled.

  "Let's step out and look. Maybe we can find something?" Jake suggested. Void Steve and I nodded our heads. We stood up and unzipped the zipper on the tent.

  I poked my head out first. I glanced in all directions, seeing if anyone/thing was there. I sighed a little bit when I didn't see anyone/thing.

  "Come on; I don't see anyone," I said motioning for Jake and Void Steve to follow. I stepped out of he tent, allowing them to follow me afterwards.

I could hardly see anything through the thick branches and leaves of the trees. Normally, they're not this thick. I was a little curious as to why they were like that though.

"Alright, let's look around. We will let each other know if we find something. Okay, guys?" I said questioningly. I still looked around, trying to find something. I stopped looking when I didn't get a response from either of them. "Guys?"

I turned around to face them, but they weren't there! Actually, I was just staring at an empty void. The tent was gone, and the trees seemed to have disappeared into thin air. I began looking around relentlessly. My mind began to race with many agonizing thoughts.

"Jake! Void Steve! Where are you guys!" I exclaimed. I tried to run to where they were suppose to stand, but it felt as if I was getting no where with my efforts. The darkness surrounded me so much to where I couldn't see if I was even on ground or not.

  It didn't feel like I was on any ground. I felt suspended in the air. I couldn't stop as tears pricked the corners of my eyes. Needless to say, I was terrified.

  How do I get back to the others? Are Jake and Void Steve in the same situation? What even is this place?

  My head began to ache with all of the unanswered questions circling in my head. Each one was screaming for an answer. They all wanted one so badly, but I didn't know how to answer them. It's like a teacher being yelled at by five hundred kids to answer a question, but doesn't know the true answer themselves.

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