Chapter 24: Never Thought It Would Be This Way

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Galaxy Steve's POV:

Days went by, and Sabre still never showed up. Jake barely talked. He came out with his thoughts about why Sabre left. He won't believe any of us when we say it wasn't him.

  "Jake... you have to eat!" Mary exclaimed from outside of his closed door. Silence was the only response she got. Mary growled a little and began to hit the door. "JAKE FAVRE! YOU BETTER COME OUT RIGHT NOW!"

  "NO!" a voice finally responded. Mary flinched, and ceases her banging on the door.

She walked back over to us, her face full of concern. Alex put a hand on her shoulder.

"You tried. He just needs some time," Alex explained calmly. Mary nodded her head in agreement.

"We've given him days. Do you think that's not enough time?" Void Steve asked. No one answered. "I'm going to try and talk him out."

  Void Steve disappeared. I assumed he teleported himself into Jake's room.

  "I still find it weird that Sabre left without any warning. It's not like him. I know he has trouble sleeping at times, but to not come back after one of his little strolls? What could've happened?" I asked breaking the silence that lingered in the room.

  "Maybe Ty and Evil Sabre happened," Rainbow Steve mumbled quietly. I blinked a few times, trying to understand if he was being serious or not. Sometimes, it's hard to tell. "What if they found him as he was walking back?! What if they kidnapped him?!"

  He went into a full blown panic attack. He kept rambling on about how we would be too late to save Sabre, and all of the bad things they would do to him. I saw Mary and Alex begin to worry some more.

"Rainbow Steve! Calm down!" I exclaimed. Rainbow Steve stopped talking, but I could tell he was still thinking about all of the possibilities that could've happened to Sabre.

Alex and Mary tried to calm him down as well. However, he continued to clutch his rainbow locks of hair out of fear.

  "Rainbow Steve, calm down. Nothing bad has happened. Just believe that," Void Steve said grabbing onto Rainbow Steve's shoulders. Jake exited his room shortly after Void Steve returned.

"I-I-I fear something did! I can't get away from that thought!" Rainbow Steve exclaimed.

"Is that a hunch? That's a dang good one," a familiar voice said. We all snapped our heads towards the front door, and my heart came to a stop.

Sabre stood there, arms crossed, and his bandana moved to show his red eye. He wore an evil smirk, for some odd reason. His hair looked like it went through a tornado. He held a diamond sword in his right hand tightly. Behind him stood his evil self and Ty. Both had evil smirks on their face.

  "SABRE!" Jake yelled happily as he began to make his way over to Sabre. Sabre's smirk faltered. He took a step away from Jake and swung his sword in front of Jake.

  "Back away!" Sabre yelled. Jake stopped where he was and stared at Sabre. I didn't know how to react myself.

  "What are you saying, Sabre?" I asked nervously. Sabre smirked once again, and I swear, his expression was all kinds of messed up.

  "What am I saying? WHAT AM I SAYING?! Hahahahahah!" he laughed insanely. Jake, quickly, back-stepped to us. Tears stained his cheeks, and his eyes were blood red. "You all lied to me. You guys said you cared; said you would help. In all honesty, you were jealous of me. You wanted me to fail. Well, NoT aNyMoRe! I'm InSaNe, If YoU cAn'T sEe!"

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