Chapter 43: Stay Strong

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Sabre's POV:

  We all had a proper burial for Galaxy Steve. Of course, it rained the day after he passed. I can't... I cant believe this. My two bestest friends, who have been with me longer than anyone else here, are gone. I didn't even get a proper good-bye from either of them.

  I didn't have the energy to move from my spot as Alex lowered Galaxy Steve into the ground. We covered him up and placed flowers around the area.

  I looked around to all of the sad faces and tear filled eyes. I think the one with the most tears, was Void Steve. I mean, he just watched his other half die before him. How does that even feel? To say that part of you is actually dead?

  "Sabre... what now?" Kylie asked sadly. I was snapped from my thoughts with the question. I looked around. Everyone except Void Steve stared at me, waiting for what I would say.

  "I... I need some time to think..." I said before walking off. I watched as Void Steve walked off, and that was why I needed the time to think. He's probably extremely upset right now. I... need to comfort him.

  I followed him until we came across a river surround my the forest. Well, he thought it was just him. I watched as he sat down by the water.

  "I know you're there, Sabre. Come on," Void Steve sighed. I flinched before walking out from my hiding spot.

  "Hey..." I said before sitting down next to him. He sighed and didn't respond. "Spill everything. What do you feel like right now?"

  "I feel like a part of me just died. How ironic right? Because... well, a part of me did die," Void Steve growled. I frowned at him slightly.

"Void Steve..." I mumbled.

"No..." he said cutting me off. He doesn't even know what I was going to say! Why "no"? "I don't want any sympathy. Especially from you. I just... need to learn to deal with problems on my own..."

"Void Steve. This isn't just your problem. Galaxy Steve was also my best friend. Do you not think this is hard on me? I know it's extremely difficult for you, but you have friends in the same boat as you. You know I'm willing to help you whenever, and the others are as well. We can't help you, however, if you don't tell us when it's bothering you," I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Sabre... as much as I appreciate you willing to help me, I need to deal with this on my own. Galaxy Steve was my other half. It's... different than losing a family member or a close friend. I'm dead, but alive. In an eternal sleep, but still wide awake. Flying, but still grounded. I don't really know how else to explain how I feel..." Void Steve said as he stared into the water. I looked down at the water as well. "I don't feel like myself anymore..."

I let out a small sigh. I didn't really know what to do. Finally, I came up with an idea.

I used my water abilities to manipulate the water. I used my psychic abilities to project an image on the water. Void Steve flinched and looked over to me. I have him a smile.

"You see two parts to yourself. You and Galaxy Steve. Yes, you share the same abilities. Yes, you share the same energy. Yes, you USED TO share the same body. Void Steve, you are not Galaxy Steve. You two are two separate people-uh-Steve's," I said before changing the image back to normal. "Who do you see on the water?"

Void Steve looked into the water. His head moved as he examined the image in the water.

"A mistake..." he mumbled finally. I flinched a little bit.

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