Chapter 30: Helpful Allies

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Jake's POV:

  We've been wondering for hours upon hours. So far, we've come across some pigs, cows, sheep, and even another small village, but it was mainly filled with villagers.

"I'm tired!" Sabre complained once again. He's been complaining for a long time now. It was beginning to get annoying, Void Steve and I agreed.

"We all are. The quicker we move, the faster we can get things done," I replied looking back to him with a smirk. His frown left his face, only the be replaced by a small hint of happiness. I think the tiredness left.

"You know how to talk to kids," Void Steve laughed silently, not wanting Sabre to here. I laughed a little bit.

  "Eh, he's my brother. It's just a thing, I guess," I said.

"Uh... Jake? What's that thing?" Sabre asked. I looked back to see him pointing to the sky. I looked up to see some sort of weird magical mist in the sky above. I didn't reply; how are you suppose to reply when you don't know the answer to the question?

"What in the world?" Void Steve mumbled.

"I have no clue what that thing is... BUT IT'S GETTING BIGGER!" I yelled as the most grew larger. All three of us were too terrified to move. Sabre clutched the back of my leg tightly, hiding from the mist.

Suddenly, just as it was getting ready to consume us, the most disappeared. We were all very confused by this.

"Oh my goodness! Are you three alright?!" a girl's voice exclaimed. We all flinched, not entirely expecting someone to be there like that.

  Her hair was a weird mixture of purple and some sort of green. A blue bow kept part of her hair back into a ponytail. (She must have a lot of hair) She has pink eyes and, what looked like, blush on her cheeks. Her clothes were all dull shades of grey, black, and white. Then, there was her tail. It started off as the same green as her hair, then led into a purple (the same as her hair) for the tip.

  "Yeah, we're fine, now that is," Void Steve replied as he pointed to the three of us

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  "Yeah, we're fine, now that is," Void Steve replied as he pointed to the three of us. The girl looked down to Sabre, and her eyes changed to hearts. Is that even physically possible? I don't think so.

  "AWE~ WHO IS THIS CUTIE!" she exclaimed before picking up Sabre. I was afraid he would cry, or smack her away. To mine and Void Steve's shock, he just laughed.

  "I'm Sabre!" he said cutely. Void Steve and I glanced at each other, noticing the weird behavior from Sabre. "I won't be like this much longer though! You see I'm suppose to be... uh..."

  "Sixteen," Void Steve and I said together.

  "16!" Sabre continued. "We're going to go find someone to help me get back to normal!"

  "Awe~ but you're so cute like this. Why can't you just stay like this! You'll live longer!" she exclaimed happily. She looked up to Void Steve and I. "What's with the scar?"

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