Chapter 19: HE'S MY BROTHER!

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I'm posting early on account of FanGirlz22

Slade's POV:

  She was right... I went into shock. So I was wrong all this time. I kept trying to kidnap him and would soon dispose of him. He was my brother the whole time!

  "That... honestly explains a lot. It explains why I couldn't hurt him when I kidnapped him. That explains why Ty didn't want me in his room. He must've had the documents of that. I've... been leading a lie my whole life!" I said in realization. I felt a warm liquid run down my face.

  My mom wipes the liquid away and gave me a small smile. She grabbed my shoulders tightly. Her face went serious, and she pierced her lips into a thin line.

  "Break free. Sabre is extremely weak right now because he doesn't have his powers. Will you defend him from now on, Jake?" my mom questioned. I had to think for a moment.

  "Yeah. Sabre is my brother. I won't leave him again!" I exclaimed with a smile myself. My mom gave me a delighted smile before disappearing into mist. I blinked a few times, then got serious.

  I wasn't lying. Sabre is my brother. With this knowledge, everything has changed. I can't destroy him. I'll even help him defeat Ty.

  My mom said I had powers made for evil intentions, but Ty never forced me to use any powers. Heck, I thought I was powerless. No matter, but I can probably use these powers to get out of here.

  'Come on, Slade. You're stronger than whatever Ty used to control you. FIGHT BACK!' I thought angrily. I felt myself jerk to a halt... well the thing controlling me. I looked around after I heard a weird noise.

  I saw some black mist swirl into a person. They looked exactly like me. I'm not sure if someone could tell us apart. This figure growled at me.

"Do you really think that you can defeat me? Come on, Slade. Give it up. Ty already allowed me to take control; just let it happen," he taunted with a smirk. I growled back at him.

  "No! I know the truth about this little game Ty's been playing. From now on, I'm helping Sabre in any way I can. He's my brother, and I won't let you hurt him anymore than you already did!" I exclaimed.

  The figure sighed angrily. He snapped his fingers, and the chains got shorter. I couldn't even move my arms up at all now. I tugged on the chains, but it didn't seem to work.

  "Don't plan on getting out of here. You know nothing about your powers. There is no way you are getting out of here any time soon," the figure said with a smirk. He began to disappear into the cloud of mist he formed from. I felt anger rise in my chest.

  "Don't underestimate me..." I mumbled. I felt something get released from my body, but I couldn't tell what. I felt like I wasn't even in this area anymore. I felt lost...

  The figure reappeared, and he gave me the most shocked expression I've ever seen. He honestly looked a little scared at the moment.

  "So you do know how to use your powers..." the figure mumbled.

I snapped my head to where I could fully face the figure. My fists were clutched together tightly. My lips parted to let my gritted teeth show. I felt the weight of the chains being released from my body.

  "This is your end," I said before one last burst of energy exited my "body". The figure looked terrified as the energy grew closer and closer to him.

  "THIS ISN'T THE END, SLADE!" the figure yelled before getting destroyed.

  My eyes snapped open as I came back to the real world. I took some deep breaths and made my way down to the ground.

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