Chapter 31: Trust Is Earned, Not Bought

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Sabre's POV:

Finally! I'll be back to my normal self! I can't believe I even forgot about my friends and brother the way I did. Honestly, I feel really bad about it. I can't dwell on that right now.

"Well... this might be a problem..." Kylie mumbled as she tug through some cabinets in her house. I felt a little form in my stomach.

"What?" I asked worryingly. "What could be a problem?"

"ENCHANTMENT!" she yelled angrily. The book that appeared randomly earlier came flying into the room.

"Yes, Kylie?" it spoke with a slight bow movement.

"Did you restock like I asked you to?" Kylie asked with her hands in her hips. The book moved like it was shaking its head no.

"I haven't had the time yet. Why? Is there some importance of needing required materials?" it asked. I don't think it saw us yet. Kylie glared at the book.

"Yes. You need better riddles. Some people have come for my help. Aging? Does that sound familiar to you?" Kylie asked gesturing to us. The book turned so that the pages faced us.

"Oh my. I didn't figure you would find us just yet," the book said.

  "Well, they did. Now, I don't have all the ingredients I need to change Sabre back to normal!" Kylie said angrily.

  "Well... I shall take my leave now. I am on my way to gather so said materials," the book spoke before disappearing into a magical dust. Kylie sighed.

  "I'm sorry, but it seems as though you will have to wait until I can get the proper ingredients to restore Sabre. I don't know how long that will be, though," Kylie said. I sighed a little bit.

  "Don't worry, it's not your fault. I probably should've gone myself," she said turning back to her cabinets. "I have some ingredients, but not enough to complete the potion I need."

"Well... we can wait!" Jake exclaimed happily.

"Probably not the best idea to wait any longer..." an all to familiar voice said. We all snapped our heads behind us. I instantly got scared. I still can't do much in the form I'm in.

"T-Tyler..." Jake stuttered as he backed away, me in his arms. Void Steve stepped in front of us.

"You two might wanna get out of here before I end up doing something you won't like," Void Steve said dangerously. The evil figures laughed.

"Ooh... I'm shaking in fear. I just can't imagine what you'll do to me!" the male laughed. Ty joined in on his laughter.

"I wouldn't laugh, you villain. You have no clue what I'm capable of," Void Steve said. Ty and the guy continued to laugh.

"What can you do? Summon lightning that won't affect a stronger being? Use corrupted magic on corrupt people? You know, two negative cancel each other out, and what's Sabre going to do? Blast me with kiddy dust? That's about all he can do," the guy stated. I had to admit. He had a point, even though it hurt me as well.

"HEY! I can do other things!" I proclaimed. 'What am I saying! I can't uphold to that!'

Suddenly, the entity disappeared, then reappeared in front of Jake and me. Jake flinched back, taking me with him, of course.

"Oh... I highly doubt that, Sabre," he said tauntingly. I glared at him, and I tried to do something. However, it seemed as if my powers were frozen in my body. "The closer you are to me, the less of a chance your powers will work. Trust me, I'm the one who put you this way. I know everything about the effects."

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