Chapter 28: Tiny Problems

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And, sorry if the new villain is referred to as "Steve" at times. I planned for them to be a Steve, then changed my mind🤪

Sabre's POV:

These people stared at me in shock. I didn't understand what was going on. Who were these guys? Why am I so confused?!

  "Uh... this is a major problem," the guy with purple hair said tugging on the collar to his turquoise shirt. I tilted my head, the hood to my chicken onesie falling.

  "I'm not even going to question how he has his chicken onesie back. However, WHAT HAPPENED!" the girl of the group said. Why did she only show one eye? Then again, I do have this blindfold over my eyes...

  "What are you talking about?" I asked. Something didn't feel right.

  "Why is Sabre so... small... AND CUTE AND ADORABLE!" the guy with galaxy hair exclaimed. He flew over to me and picked me up as he flew into the air. He squeezed the living crap out of me.

  "Um, sir? Can you please let me go?" I asked politely. The guy stared at me in shock.

  "Wait... do you not know who I am, for real?!" the exclaimed before landing on the ground below. I shook me head. His hand ran through his hair.

  "Sabre, you don't know who any of us are?" a scary guy asked. I hid behind the galaxy-haired guy. I saw some tears come from the corners of his pure red eyes.

  "L-look... I-I don't m-mean h-h-harm. P-please d-don't hurt m-me," I stuttered.

  "Um, Sabre? How old are you?" the purple-haired guy asked as he bent to my level. I felt safer around him.

  "Six..." I said quietly. Their mouths dropped open.

  "SIX!" they all yelled except for the scary guy. He was still in shock over something.

  "Am I suppose to know you guys?" I asked curiously. Tears began to form in everyone's eyes.

  "Sabre, I'm your brother, Jake," the purple-haired guy said sadly.

  "Why would I have forgotten my own brother? I DON'T REMEMBER YOU! I AM AN ONLY CHILD!" I yelled backing away from the group.

  "Oh geez. This will be a long discussion..." Jake mumbled.

~~~Time Skip~~~

  Yeah, Jake was right. That was a very long conversation. I could barely understand what most of it meant. Hey, I'm six. Well, at the time I am.

  "So... I'm actually SIXTEEN! How am I six then!" I said. My voice cracked a few times, making the others laugh. "THIS ISN'T FUNNY!"

  "Sorry, Sabre. We have no clue how you're-OOOOHHHHH!" Alex said before dragging his "oh" out. I raised an eyebrow. "That new guy said we would find out what he did to Sabre. I guess he did this."

  "What's the point of that!" I exclaimed angrily.

  "No clue. Why would making Sabre young again affect anything?" Void Steve questioned. Something in me clicked.

  "My powers..." I mumbled loudly. Every head snapped towards me. "If I'm young, my powers won't be as strong."

  "He's right... Sabre, try to do something power wise," Jake demanded hastily. I nodded my head and tried to do some telepathy. I focused on talking to Rainbow Steve. They said I always communicated with him before so...

  I tried and tried, but it just seemed like every try was failing more and more. Finally, I just gave up. Maybe these guys were wrong? Do they have the wrong person? I want my mommy...

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