Chapter 36: Mournful Return

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Jake's POV:

Tyler's hand twitched in mine after witnessing what just happened. The tense atmosphere, which I didn't even know it was there, died down a little bit. I could only hear more of the building fall and smolder. I only moved when I felt someone grab my shoulder and begin pulling me away.

"No! Rainbow Steve!" I yelled while looking at the heap of rubble through my tear filled eyes.

"We have to go, Jake! H-he's g-gone..." I heard Mary smoke out through her tears. I gave her an expression of shock, and then looked back to the rubble where Rainbow Steve once stood.

  I shook my head, but began to run out of the burning building, Tyler's hand still in mine. I heard the crackling of wood breaking from above. I looked up to see some of the roof begin to collapse on us. I jumped out the door, taking Tyler with me.

  I could hear my breathing as I recovered from he shock of the building collapsing. I had let go of Ty's hand so it wouldn't be weird. Both of us were breathing heavily.

  "Jake! You're okay!" Void Steve exclaimed as he rushed to my aid. I could only manage a soft smile as he sat me up some.

  "Y-yeah..." I mumbled. A frown formed on my face afterwards, though. "B-but Rainbow Steve is..."

  "Gone... I know. You tried, Jake. That's all you could do," Void Steve commented. I shook my head.

  "But I could've done better! I couldn't used my magic to hold up the rubble until he got out. I could've-" I was cut off my yelling.


  Alex's breathing was heavy. His chest rose up and down quickly, making his body move just as quick as his breathing. He took a deep sigh of breath.

  "There is always something we could do better; especially when saving someone. Rainbow Steve did the best he could to save you two. We just need to be grateful. That's what he would want," Alex said as he looked down to the ground. I felt some rage boil inside of me and the sudden realization at who was at fault here.

  "This is all YOUR FAULT, TYLER!" I yelled walking over to his now standing figure. He began to back away from my approaching figure.

  "I-I know. I'm really sorry... p-please! D-Don't hurt me!" he stuttered as he continued to back away. I let out a growl.

  "JAKE! STOP IT!" Kylie yelled as she pulled me back. I looked at her in shock. "You're the one who tried to save him. You're the one who said you could fix things with him. Just calm down. Sabre wouldn't want you to be like this, now would he?"

  I looked down to the ground, admitting to myself that he was right. I looked over to the trembling Tyler. He looked terrified for his life. I let out a reluctant sigh.

  "Fine... but don't think I'm doing this happily, Ty," I said. Ty let a smile dance across his face.

  "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Tyler repeated over and over again. I flinched when the demonic tone in his voice dropped.

  "Did... your demonic voice just leave?" Galaxy Steve asked in shock. Tyler flinched when he asked that.

  "I-I don't... OH MY GOSH! IT DID!" Tyler exclaimed. A grabbed his throat and began to rub against the front of his neck. His smile got wider. "I... I feel... lighter. I feel more pure."

  "The evil is basically gone?" I asked in disbelief. Ty nodded his head rapidly.

  "YES! YES!" he exclaimed happily.

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