Chapter 34: Recovering Is A Process

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Sabre's POV:

Still unable to speak. I don't feel shocked, so I guess I shocked my voice away from me. My throat was killing me. I can't seem to even get a small squeak out if I tried.

However, while I can't speak, I am able to walk around again. At least I can get to the others easier.

"Morning, Sabre!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed happily as I entered the main room. 'Morning? Is it morning already?' I smiled and nodded my head towards him.

"You're looking better! Still unable to speak?" Alex asked. I frowned some and nodded my head in agreement.

  I began to walk outside. I've been cooped up lately, so I needed some fresh air. The fresh breeze felt nice against my face. I breathed in the air, letting it fill my lungs.

  'Maybe not being able to speak isn't such a bad thing. It gives me time to think to myself...' I thought trying to make the best out of my current situation.

  I walked down the small steps connecting the house to the ground. I felt the grass crunch underneath my feet.

  "Trying to find a meaning in the sun again?" Void Steve laughed from the porch area. I looked up to him and gave him a small laugh.

  'No... I just need fresh air. It's been a little bit since I've been out of the house.' I responded. He laughed some more.

  "Sure... whatever you say, Sabre," he said walking down himself.

  'Well... I actually do plan on going to that nearby village we went to earlier. Wanna come with?' I asked looking in the direction of the village.

  "What do you need to do there?" he asked as he ended up right beside me.

  'I didn't want to tell anyone else, in case what I was told was false. I heard that there is a certain book in the village that tells us how to defeat Ty and the other guy. I don't remember where I heard it from... Well... that's a lie. You see, I kind of just heard it in my head, like someone was speaking to me telepathically. I don't know who they were, but if what they're saying is true, I won't risk not being able to defeat them.' I "said". Void Steve stated for a moment before nodding his head.

  "Alright, let's go, but shouldn't we tell the others where we are going?" he asked pointing back to the house. I shook my head.

  'No, you just happened to catch me at a bad time. I'm not getting any hopes up. I will tell when we get back.' I replied. Void Steve nodded his head, and we began to make our way towards the nearby village.

~~~Time Skip~~~ (Nothing interesting happened)

After an hour of walking through the grassy plain biome, we reached the village. This time, people weren't hiding in their houses out of fear. They were out and about. They were walking about the village doing normal chores. Gardening, improving structure on houses, and even making sure the children are walking through okay.

  "This is different from last time we were here last. There's more people than before," Void Steve commented as he watched the "villagers" go about their day.

  'That's because they were in fear when we were here last. Now, they have nothing to fear; they are in a state of peace.' I replied. I began to walk into the village. I wasn't entirely sure where I was suppose to go. Maybe a library? Where would one be?

  "O-outsiders!" a young child stuttered. The adult with the young child laughed and calmed his frightened child.

  "Honey, these are two of he group that saved our village not too long ago. Please, what brings you to our village yet again?" the gentlemen asked holding the shoulders of the child.

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