Chapter 9: Rest or Work?

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Sabre's POV:

My vote was to rest another day... then we would work on other things. But no! In this world, majority wins, and all three Steve's said that we need to actually work today.

I don't think they realize how stressed I am, or how tired I am over the events in the past few days.

"Okay. Rainbow Steve, you will go and find a few more resources. We've used up most of them here recently. Void Steve and I will work with Sabre and his powers. After yesterday's events, it became clear you need to control them better," Galaxy Steve said pointing around just about everywhere. My head was spinning.

"You two aren't going to argue the whole time, are you?" I asked worryingly. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow.

"What? No! We made a deal; to work together until you can control your powers better!" Galaxy Steve said happily. I sighed.

"And when I can? Will you two go back to yelling in my ears constantly?" I asked. Both of them blushed, and looked away. Rainbow Steve and I laughed.

"Sabre, that would be a yes," Rainbow Steve said with a laugh. I laughed with him.

"I feel like we're being bullied..." Void Steve mumbled. I heard Galaxy Steve grumble in agreement.

"Dang... you guys can't even mumble/grumble quietly. I can hear ya from over here!" I exclaimed, pretending to be far away, and yelling in their faces.

They flinched away, and glared at me.

"Might wanna watch your tone. You have to spend the next few hours with us," Galaxy Steve said with a smirk. Every ounce of happiness and confidence left, and was replaced by fear.

"Yep, and we can make it a living nightmare; if that's what you want, that is?" Void Steve smirked. Rainbow Steve and I were quiet.

"Oh! Would ya look at the time? I have to go get resources now. By Sabre, and good luck!" Rainbow Steve yelled. He ran off in the direction of a mine, leaving me with the two most powerful Steve's in the universe, which I just made mad.

"Heheh... it's a nice day out, is it not?" I asked sheepishly. Both Steve's smirked at me, then, Galaxy Steve lunged at me.

I yelped, and dodged him before he could get me. Void Steve lunged as well. I wasn't able to dodge him. He pinned me into the dirt below. We looked at each other, then began bursting out laughing.

Void Steve loosened his grip on me, so I rolled away some. He fell the the dirt as well, and we continued to laugh our heads off.

Galaxy Steve rolled closer, and began laughing as well. We stayed like that for a few minutes.

We all ended up on our backs, and looking up to the clouds as the stroll by, and still laughing. This was right. It felt so good to be laughing with the two most powerful Steve's known in existence.

  "We really need to work, but I don't know if we can, heheh," Galaxy Steve chuckled, resting his arms behind his head.

  "That, I can agree with you on," Void Steve said, taking a quick glance at Galaxy Steve.

  "You wanna know what's really nice?" I asked with a smile. "The fact that you two are actually getting along right now. Void Steve, you've really changed. I'm gonna be honest, I feel like I can consider you as a friend, now."

  Void Steve shot up and looked at me in shock. I raised an eyebrow, but still smiled warmly. Galaxy Steve laughed, but in an agreeing way.

  A small smile formed on his lips, and a few tears couldn't help but leave his red eyes to roll down his cheek. He, quickly, wiped them away so we couldn't see, but it was too late for that.

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