Chapter 46: Yandere Loves Power⚠️

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⚠️Warning, this chapter will contain some sexual imagery (not all the way). If you are uncomfortable, scroll until you see the caution signs again⚠️

Sabre's POV:

I could see the insane smile plastered on Krill's face. I began to scan him for any weapons of his own. I know a lot about yanderes.

They will kill anyone that tries to intervene in the relationship, and sometimes they will even kill the one they love if they have completely lost it.

I gulped, but I was somewhat relieved.

I didn't see any weapons on him, so hopefully he wouldn't kill me any time soon. However, I was still stuck with a yandere, which is very dangerous.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked softly. If I continued to yell, it would only make this situation worse.

"Because I love you. Isn't that obvious?" Krill asked with a taunting smirk.

"Actually no considering you've been trying to kill me for the past month now," I replied. "And why did you take off my bandana?"

"Even apart, I still have a part of you with me even though we won't be apart very often," Krill responded.

"Look, I don't like you like that. So please, move on," I said with a small growl. Did I really just tell a yandere to move on? Come on, Sabre. They don't move on.

"I can't move on, my Sabre. You are the only one for me, and I will make sure I am the only one for you, one way or another," Krill said. I gulped.

"This isn't right. Please, let me go," I begged. Krill laughed insanely.

"I love to hear you beg. I would prefer you begging for something else~ But everything good must wait. To answer your plea, I will never let you go. You and I will be together, forever," Krill responded before walking even closer to me.

I began to struggle in the chains. However, each one was placed tightly around my wrists and ankles, so I was unable to move.

My struggling stopped when Krill climbed on top of the bed and then on top of me. Now, I was completely unable to move.

Next thing I knew, Krill's lips were attached to mine in a rough kiss. My eyes went wide from shock. I definitely taken back from the sudden gesture.

  I tried to shake him off of me, or even just disconnect our lips, but he had a tight hold on me to where nothing worked.

Krill used his body to pin anything I was able to move, and I definitely couldn't shake him off anymore. He was too strong, and I was too weak from recent events.

Finally, much to my relief, Krill disconnected our lips, but left a small string of saliva.

My breathing was heavy and jagged. I glared up at Krill.

"Why did you do that!" I yelled once my breathing began to even out more. Krill laughed.

"Because I can, my Sabre. I've already told you that I'm yandere for you. Did you seriously think I wouldn't act on the feelings?" Krill taunted. I growled in response.

"Actually, no I didn't. That's disgusting man. I don't like you like that. I don't know how many more times I have to tell you that-" Krill cut my off by attaching his lips to mine once again.

"I don't care what you think, my Sabre," Krill said after pulling away. "I do what I want to do, and right now..."

He kissed me once again before pulling away with a smirk.

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