Chapter 20: Jake Undoing His Wrong

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Sorry for not posting earlier. I didn't have service the whole day so... yeah... SORRY!!!

Sabre's POV:

  It took quite a while before Void Steve and the new guy to finish talking. Every now and then, we could hear snippets of their conversation. The shocks, the realizations, and even the small whispers had their cracks of highness.

  Void Steve walked in after the new guy, who looked very worried for some reason. Void Steve looked like he was worried himself. I raised an eyebrow, and I began to move my arms around to try and get my question to them.

  It took me a minute to sit up in the bed to where my back rested against the head of the bed. I just began to make movements while I lipped my question. I did what I would do if I was able to talk, but of course, I want able to talk.

  "Uh... why are we all here?" Mary asked trying to interrupt what I was saying. I slammed my hands against my legs to, basically say, "Really?" She shrugged her shoulders.

  "Um... are you asking what's with the room, because it's always been like this," Rainbow Steve guessed. I shook my head before covering my face in my hands. This showed my frustration. I heard the new guy sigh.

  "No... he's asking what we were talking about and why we looked so worried right now," the new guy said. The room fell silent, but I still smiled widely and nodded my head enthusiastically.

  "How did you know?" Galaxy Steve asked suspiciously. I tilted my head, showing I was wondering the same thing. He acted like my flailing around was making it obvious about what I was saying.

  "That's what we were talking about. Guys... this is Slade," Void Steve said. The purple-blue haired guy hid behind Void Steve. My guess was that he was hiding from the others. He didn't want to face he people he's been trying to hurt for a while.

  "What? That's Slade!" Alex exclaimed. Void Steve nodded his head.

  "Yes. And he has something to say. Listen up and listen well, especially you, Sabre," Void Steve said. He pointed to me when he called me out. I just nodded my head. Slade came out from behind Void Steve so he could speak with us.

  "Okay... yes, I am Slade. Please, don't call me that now. Slade was the person I was molded to be. It's not who I actually am. My name is Jake," he said. His last sentence was slowed down.

  I slammed my hands down against the bed to get everyone's attention. All eyes landed on me afterwards. Jake looked to me with a slight bit of hope in his eyes. I smiled softly, and I felt my tears form in my eyes.

  "Sabre? What's wrong?" Galaxy Steve asked. "Do you know him?"

  I held my hands out and motioned for Jake to come over to me. He did. I looked into his eyes, and I remembered why he looked so familiar.

  Before he could react, I pulled him into a tight hug. His breathing wavered for a moment when I did, but it became normal once he was there for a moment.

  We pulled away, and he smiled at me even more.

  "My name is Jake. Jake Favre. Sabre's brother," he said softly. Everyone, except for me, Void Steve, and Jake, gasped. "That was one thing I needed to tell you. The other is, I still have Sabre's powers within me. However, I don't really know how to give them back. When they were taken away, it wasn't really me. Th was controlling me. I wasn't able to see what the controlled me did. That's what I was mainly talking with Void Steve about. I thought he might have an idea about how to restore his powers to him."

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