Chapter 32: New Addition

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Sabre's POV:

After a few minutes of hugging and laughing, Jake and Void Steve stepped away from me. This allowed me to get up into a standing position. I stretched my "new" body. I was a little stiff being a six year old for a few days.

  "Kylie, I can't thank you enough for what you have done," I said. She laughed slightly before looking upset.

"What? You mean almost hand you over to Ty and that Steve?" she said sadly. I laughed.

"I told you, don't worry about it. I've already forgiven you," I said walking closer to her. She smiled.

"Thank you, Sabre. It really means a lot to me," she replied. She looked outside, seeing the bright sun set through a window. "Well, I guess you guys should get heading back to your home."

  "You could come with us, you know," Void Steve invited. She flinched a little bit, but a smile made its way upwards.

  "Really?" she asked hopefully. I nodded my head in agreement.

  "Of course," I replied.

  "Better take up on that, Kylie," Jake said with a wink. She laughed before running off somewhere. Just a few moments later, she came rushing back into the room with a small bag.

  "Trust me, I'm taking up on that!" she exclaimed.

"Well, let's go. I wanna see my friends again... with my memories that is," I said before walking out of the house. I felt the cool breeze of air slam against my face.

"Be prepared for a long walk back..." Void Steve grumbled.


  'Oh great... another random voice in my head...'

  'Trust me, I'm not some random voice. You'll know who I am within time. However, I have news you might want to hear.'

  'I don't know if I fully trust you. I've had a bad experience with random voices in my head telling me stuff.'



  I ended up flinching at the fact this voice knows my real name, making the other three give me weird looks. I laughed some and waved them off.

  "Sorry... just thinking about something random," I lied. They all continued to stare, but eventually looked away. I let out a sigh of relief.

  'You made them think I'm crazy.'

  'I didn't do anything. Listen, in the village you were at before the whole de-aging thing happened is where you need to go. There is a special book that will tell you certain items you need to obtain in order to defeat Ty and the other evil figure.'

  'And I should trust you, why?'


  Surprisingly, I didn't flinch at the shouting. I looked to the others, watching them laugh at something that I had missed. I probably shouldn't tell them. Maybe this is a trap... or just false information. Yeah, I'll just keep it to myself. I go to the village myself and find out myself.

Rainbow Steve's POV:

"So... how long until Jake, Void Steve, and Sabre return?" Mary asked as she sat down on the couch.

  "I have no idea. They could be hours... days... even weeks!" I panicked.

  "I know you're worried, but you know there is nothing we can do right now besides wait," Alex said as he put a hand on my shaking shoulder. I didn't even know I was shaking until then.

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