Chapter 40: Relical Quest

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Sabre's POV:

"Kylie? Why do you need so many potions?" Galaxy Steve asked. Kylie puffed her cheeks out at him.

  "You never know what we could get into! For all you know, we may need these to get into... wherever we're going!" Kylie protested. Galaxy Steve held up his hands in defense.

  "Okay, okay! I was just asking!" he defended. I couldn't help but laugh a the two.

  "Galaxy Steve... it's better not to question anything that happens in this group; unless it's yourself," I said tossing my own bag over my shoulders.

  "So I've noticed..." Galaxy Steve grumbled under his breath.

  "Stop fighting, and let's go. We don't really have time to waste," Void Steve said as he began walking out the door with me.

The others soon followed in pursuit.

~~~Time Skip~~~ (Nothing happens😂)

Okay, five hours of walking, four arguments total, 3 complaints about wanting to stop, 2 people already annoyed, and 1 full night of no sleep. Sounds about right.

"MAYBE YOU SHOULD BE MORE OPTIMISTIC!" Mary yelled at her brother once again. Okay, 5 arguments total. Man, they messed up my countdown sequence! It's suppose to go 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Not 5, 5, 3, 2, 1!

"REALLY?! THIS IS COMING FROM YOU!" Alex yelled back. They actually ended up stopping to continue their fight.

"Just leave them. They know the map," I said as I continued to walk.

"How many more fights can happen?" Void Steve grumbled. I shrugged my shoulders.

"According to my knowledge, about one every hour," I said dodging a tree.

  "I don't know how much more I can take of their fighting," Ty grumbled.

  "Agreed," Void Steve and I said at the same time.

  Kylie was minding her own business. She wasn't talking much at all.

"Kylie? Are you okay?" I asked. She flinched a little bit. She was obviously in thought.

"O-oh! Y-yeah! I'm fine!" she stuttered. I raised an eyebrow. She was hiding something. I was about to say something before her mouth dropped open.

I looked forward. We had come face to face with a huge mountain. At the base of the mountain, there was a wide opening to a cave.

"Is this where the Relical Orb is?" Mary asked. Alex and her came up beside of me. They wouldn't look at each other, and the expression on their face screamed angry.

  "I think so. This is where the map leads, so..." Galaxy Steve mumbled.

  "Well, let's go find this orb," I said before beginning to walk in.

  "I wouldn't do that!" an angry voice boomed from the cave.

  "What the-" Alex mumbled in shock.

  "Who's there!" Void Steve yelled.

  "The quest for the Relical Orb you seek lies far beyond what you face in this cave. Not only that, the quest is a dangerous one. You 8 will not be able to complete such a quest as this!" the voice boomed again.

  "Who are you! Show yourself, you coward!" Jake yelled into the cave. His voice echoed throughout the cave.

  "Who I am is of no importance! Leave before danger strikes you down!" the voice boomed before a loud crash came from inside the cave. I looked down to the map with a slight glare before looking into the cave.

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