Chapter 6: Lose of Control

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Real quick! I made a book for oneshots! You can request anything, and I'll try to make it happen!

Rainbow Steve's POV:

  The hallways were pitch black. We couldn't hardly see a thing! I know I've run into the walls at least 5 times already.

  Agonizing screams erupted in the hallways. We all froze, but I jumped back out of fear. I backed into Galaxy Steve, making him grunt.

  "W-what was that!" I exclaimed. I fell to the floor and curled into a ball. I heard Galaxy Steve sigh a little.

  "Not sure, but we need to keep going," he said picking me up to my feet. I groaned because I was too scared to continue forward. 'Come on, Rainbow Steve. This is for Sabre. You have to keep going!'

  "Okay..." I mumbled.

  The lights, suddenly, flickered on. The hallways became much clearer, as well as what was in the hallway. Doors, vents, Slade, curves, pic... SLADE!

  We all flinched seeing Slade stand at the end of the hallway. He glared at us, and gripped the sword he had in his hand. It looked like an enchanted diamond sword. Very dangerous.

  "Slade... where's Sabre?" Void Steve growled. A smirk, slowly, began to form on his face.

"Sabre? Oh, he's fine. He's not hurt in any way, shape or form. My workers, however, I think, are dead because of him. You tried to teach him to use his powers, but only I truly unlocked them," Slade said evilly. My eyes went wide, deciphering what he just said.

"Y-you d-d-didn't," I stuttered. He laughed his weird laughter.

"OH! I DID! HE'S NOT YOUR FRIEND! HE IS YOUR ENEMY!" Slade exclaimed. He stepped aside, just as Sabre walked around the corner.

It was terrifying. I didn't hardly recognize him. His clothes have been changed. Bits of red streaks ran through his hair, and both of his eyes were red. He glared at us, as if we had just killed his friends or family.

  "S-Sabre?" I questioned. I walked towards him, big mistake. He stuck his hand out, and I was thrown backwards. "Wh-what? How did he do that!"

  "Slade said he truly unlocked Sabre's powers. He knows how to use all of his abilities!" Void Steve said as he began backing away. Sabre smirked.

  "Slade was the one who truly helped me; not you imbeciles," Sabre snarled. I felt tears burn my eyes.

Sabre's POV:

Where am I? I wasn't familiar with my surroundings at all. I didn't have much light, and there was nothing to be seen for quite a while.

"Slade was the one who truly helped me; not you imbeciles," I heard myself snarl. No! That wasn't me!  Who is speaking!

  "P-please, Sabre. This isn't you. You can break free from his control!" I heard Rainbow Steve yell. 'Control?'

No way... Slade! He's controlling my body! Come on... think Sabre. How can you get out? I can't build a machine in here, plus I don't have any resources. There's nothing I can fight against; not that I can see.

  "What can I do?!" I cried out in frustration. A burst of energy went through my and out my body. I stared in shock at the waves of aura that surrounded me. "THAT'S IT! I know Slade said something about me having elemental powers. Psychic is one of them! I can use telepathy!"

  I've never tried it before, but it's worth a shot. I closed my eyes, and focused on Rainbow Steve's mind. I don't know how I know how to use my powers. I guess it just comes with Slade controlling me.

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