Chapter 2: Who He Really Is

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Sabre's POV:

God, my life is messed up now. I should've been stronger. Maybe if I was a better friend, things might've turned out differently. Now, I'm stuck in the middle of two evil characters, apparently, fighting over me!

"Maybe I can just slowly back out of this..." I mumbled to myself as I began backing away from Void Steve and whoever that other guy was.

  The mystery figure snapped his head towards me. He disappeared, then reappeared right in front of me.

"AH!" I screamed while falling down on the ground. Pain shot through my back. The mystery figure smirked.

  He extended his arm out to grab me, but I wouldn't let that happen. I jumped up and back, away from the evil guy. I began to run, and, of course, didn't make it very far before he teleported in front of me. I glared.

  "What do you want from me?" I asked backing away once again, only to have him near me. Fear rose into my chest, nearly suffocating me. I reached back for the Galaxy Sword, but I wasn't quick enough.

  The figure grabbed my wrists tightly, cutting off blood circulation. I tried back away, but his grip was like iron; clamped around my wrist and keeping me, strictly, in place.

  An anger began to overtake my fear. It boiled in my chest. A burning feeling was, slowly, spreading in my chest. It felt... right, but bad at the same time. It hurt to breath.

  "Let... go!" I yelled glaring up into the figures black eyes. He flinched a little, and loosened his grip. 'Come on, he couldn't have been scared of that!'

  "Heheheheheheheh," he chuckled, still having a grip on my wrists. "So this is what he's like when mad? Tell me; do you feel a burn in your chest? A feel of anger coursing through your body?"

  What is his guys talking about? How does he know how I feel? I feel... different. I can't decided whether it's good or bad, though.

  "H-how did you-?" I questioned, letting a little fear stab my chest once again. He was about to answer, but wasn't quite able to.

"Get way from him," Void Steve said menacingly. This was definitely weird. Why was Void Steve trying to protect me? The figure frowned some and looked back to Void Steve.

  "You can't save him. He will be apart in my master plan," the figure said before turning back to me. He smirked, causing a small pit to form in my stomach.

  "SABRE!" a familiar voice yelled out. I looked to where the voice came from. I smiled a little, but not fully since I was still mad. Rainbow Steve stood about 10 blocks away from Void Steve; a panicked looked on his face.

  His eyes went wide once he saw I didn't have my blindfold on. His mouth was open, but nothing came out. He was in shock.

  "S-Sabre? Y-your eyes!" Rainbow Steve exclaimed pointing to my freakish eyes. I couldn't help but frown a little. "Wait, who's this guy?"

  "My name is not important..." the figure said, glaring at Rainbow Steve.

"Get away from Sabre!" Rainbow Steve yelled. The figure gripped my wrists tighter than before.

"AH!" I yelled out in pain. I felt weak in the knees, like I could collapse at any moment. The guy was the only thing keeping that from happen.

  Rainbow Steve gasped and glared at the mystery figure.

Suddenly, the figure let go, but I wasn't free. Chains clamped around my wrist and attached itself to the ground. I was pulled down; now kneeing in the red mesa sand.

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