Chapter 23: Lied, Scarred, No Turn Backs...

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Sabre's POV:

One strike, two strike, three strike, four. This is when they live no more. Five strike six, seven strike eight. Come on, everybody, your death soon awaits. Heheheh...

So I've gone completely insane. Is that a bad thing? No... my reasons are perfect.

My hand traced over the cuts I've made in the wall. Each one resembled a person that's drove me to where I am today. My smirk grew as I reminded myself of those friends I had.

"Sabre... don't think about them. Well, you can... just in a killing way," I said to myself slashing the wall once again with a sword I made from my new evil magic.

"Sabre... I thought I said don't cut the wall anymore. We can't get anyone to fix them. No one will come here and do it," Ty said as he entered my room. I turned to him without any emotion.

"What else could I destroy? I have to do something," I pointed out. He didn't answer my question.

"Just don't destroy my walls okay?" he said crossing his arms. I growled before jabbing the sword in the ground not far from him. I felt my eyes twitch in anger.

"AnSwEr My QuEsTiOn!" I yelled. He flinched a little, but not like he was suppose to. I growled even more at his emotionless reaction.

  "I don't know what you could destroy, but I've taken you in when you were at your weakest. You won't growl at me," he said straightening his posture. I calmed myself down so I didn't end up breaking my relationship with Ty. I can't have him hating me at this point.

"Whatever," I said turning away from him. I sat down on the firm bed. My fingers squeezed the rough mattress, and it didn't feel that good. I winced a little bit.

"Everything will be fine, Sabre. You will learn soon enough what you need to do and how to go about it. And I will be here every step of the way," Ty said calmly. I felt most of my anger leave my body. "Don't be afraid to show your anger, Sabre. Your past friends will soon pay for they're mistakes."

  I turned to face him, completely emotionless. His black eyes were now glowing red. I felt so much... lighter.

  "What are you..." I slurred out, suddenly feeling tired. I fell forward, only to be caught by Ty.

  "Sabre... are you okay?" he asked worryingly. I groaned a little before being able to get anything out.

  "Yeah... just tired... I want sleep," I said tiredly. Ty laughed and helped me lay down on the rough mattress. He threw the thin covers over me before leaving the room.

  "Sleep well," Ty said before closing and locking the door. My eyes closed, and I fell into a deep sleep.

Void Steve's POV:

  Jake has barely spoken to anyone since Sabre's been gone. I can't blame him, though. Something was definitely wrong with this situation.

  "Void Steve? Do you know where Sabre could be?" Jake asked for the millionth time today. I smiled a little, hearing the concern in his voice.

  "No... Sadly, I have no clue where Sabre could be. I will let you know if anything comes to mind, though," I said. Jake smiled at me before nodding his head. He walked off, probably to ask someone else about Sabre.

  I can't think of anywhere Sabre would've gone without telling us. He tells us if he's going to walk to another room! Why would he leave like he did?

  Of course, I've thought like everyone else. Something happened as he took one of his night strolls. However, I've had a weird feeling. This thought just isn't right. He would've contacted us if something happened.

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