Chapter 29: Magical Help

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FanGirlz22 and Puppylover12480 guilted me into posting this early...

Jake's POV:

Everyone except the two evil figures were teleported away from the fight scene we just had. Luckily, nothing major happened. Well... except that Sabre just teleported all of us out of there.

We were back in the house, still standing in our little circle we formed around Rainbow Steve and Sabre. We turned to face the laughing six year old. Then, he disappeared!

We all looked around frantically. Then, he reappeared in front of me. He laughed, then disappeared again.

"WEEEEEE!" he exclaimed as he teleported around the house. We all ran around the house, trying to catch him. However, with every try, we failed. "This is fun!"

"Sabre! Stop this!" Void Steve exclaimed as he was finally able to pin Sabre down. However, the victory was short. Sabre teleported from under Void Steve. He sighed and slammed his head into the ground. "We will never catch him..."

"Yes we will... we just have to stop this teleportation," I said reaching out to grab Sabre again. Once again, he teleported away before I could. "The question is how."

"Maybe hold him in place? I mean, almost everyone here has magic. Can't someone do something?" Mary asked. I nodded my head.

  I went ahead and charged an attack in my hands. Well... it wasn't much of an attack. All it would do is freeze him in place. We waited patiently, and it seemed that the time it took for Sabre to appear was dragged out longer than the other times.

I didn't waste any time to launch my little spell once Sabre did appear once again. He flinched, and his eyes went wide from shock. He tried to move, but was unable to. He even tried to teleport, but it was to not avail. Tears welled up in his eyes.

"WHAAAAAAAAAA!" he cried loudly. This cry was louder than normal. He all held our ears to block the sudden outburst.

"I DID NOT KNOW HE COULD AMPLIFY HIS VOICE!" Alex yelled over the high scream.

"NONE OF US DID!" Void Steve yelled back.

Sabre continued to cry. It felt like it was getting louder and louder by the minute. Everyone moment, it hurt worst.

"JAKE! TAKE THE SPELL OFF OF HIM! I WOULD RATHER CHASE HIM AROUND THAN HEAR THIS!" Mary yelled trying his best to cover her hybrid ears.

"FINE!" I yelled back before snapping my fingers. The spell was lifted off of him. Almost instantaneously, Sabre's crying came to a cease. We all uncovered our ears to hear the happy giggles of a teleporting Sabre.

We all sighed annoyingly. He decided to not chase him. He would calm down in due time.

"I'm never having a kid..." Mary mumbled as she laid herself down on the floor.

"You said it..." Galaxy Steve groaned as he laid back next to me. I nodded my head, even though the ones with their eyes closed couldn't see.

"JAKE! JAKE WATCH ME!" Sabre yelled frantically. I turned my head, knowing it was nothing to important. I sighed as I watched Sabre fly around.

  "Where did the powers come from?" I asked the others. Each one shrugged their shoulders.

  "Don't know, but it's getting to be a pain," Void Steve said. I sighed.

"I agree with that," I said as Sabre flew over our heads.

"I'm flying!" he exclaimed happily. Everyone groaned in response. He just let out a small giggle.

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