Chapter 47: Powerhouse

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Sabre's POV:

  I was scared beyond belief. I could hear the fighting and the screams... but everything seemed like it wasn't real. It seemed like all of this is just my imagination. However, I knew every event was real and deadly.

  I wanted to help... I needed to help, but my body was too weak to do much of anything right now.

"Just give me back my Sabre, and everything will be FINE!" Krill yelled. I felt a burst of energy course past me. I'm guessing Krill was the source of the energy.

I heard my friends and brother cry out as they flew past me, making me open my closed eyes. They were all thrown to the other side of the room.

I looked up only to come face to face with Krill and his insane smirk.

"I got you now~" he sang. I gulped down my fear.

"No!" I yelled before extending me hand towards him. A wave of energy shot him back against the other side of the room. I looked to my hands before face palming. "I have powers. What am I doing?"

I quickly used my abilities to heal my sore body. I jumped up and ran over to my friends and brother.

"Sabre? What are you doing?" Ty questioned as I helped him up.

"Helping you guys. Don't forget, I have powers as well," I said. They all smiled at me.

"Imbeciles!" Krill exclaimed. I turned to face him. "Do you really believe you have defeated me? Do you really think you can defeat me? You are dead wrong! My plans will succeed and I will have my Sabre back!"

"How do we stop him? He's got the Relical Orb now. Are we even strong enough to fight him?" Void Steve questioned. I looked over to Krill once again as he let more power surge throughout his body.

Krill let out another evil laughter before bringing the orb into our view.

"This is the object that will give me all of my desires! Since you were so gracious in giving it up, I might as well return the favor," Krill said manically.

Suddenly, the orb glowed a dangerous form of red. Everyone took a step or two back and away from the red light. Krill, however, was incased in the bright light. It engulfed his body.

"He's consuming himself in the power!" I yelled.

As if on cue, the bright light exploded from where Krill stood and knocked all of us back a little bit. We all covered our eyes so that we wouldn't get blinded.

Slowly, I was the first to uncover my eyes. I looked over to Krill to see what had happened, and my jaw almost hit the ground.

Krill looked the same, except the black part of his eyes were now red and the white pupils were black. His veins emitted a red light that made it look like Krill's body was falling part. Of course, maybe it was. He did look completely insane.

"What do you think, my Sabre? Am I insane looking enough to be a yandere?" Krill asked.

"You looked insane enough before, now you're just even more of a monster," I replied with a slight growl. He let out an evil chuckle from my response.

"Perfect~ I can feel the power. The energy! It's overwhelming and it feels great!" Krill chuckled.

"This is bad... like really, really bad..." Void Steve mumbled in fear.

"You won't win, Krill! We will do everything in our power to make sure you don't succeed!" Jake yelled as he charged up some energy in his hands. "And we will start with this!"

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