Chapter 8: I Just Want Some Sleep

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Sabre's POV:

I felt the bags hang from under my eyes. I wanted sleep, a lot more sleep. However, the Steve's didn't allow this.

Galaxy Steve kept annoying Void Steve to where they always started an argument. Rainbow Steve wouldn't stop asking if I was okay long enough for me to go back to sleep.

Eventually, I gave up on trying to sleep.

I made my way to where the Steve's normally sat. I was stuck in the middle of Galaxy Steve and Void Steve. They weren't yelling, thank goodness, but the glares made me feel awkward.

What were they fighting about now? You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Eh, what the heck. They were fighting over, get this, what to do with my powers.

Galaxy Steve and Void Steve wanted time to work with my powers different ways. Galaxy Steve wanted me to learn on my own, build some "responsibility" or whatever. I liked Void Steve's idea, which was to actually help me.

I didn't want to admit it, for two reasons. One, Galaxy Steve would get mad, and assume I hate him. Two, I didn't feel up to actually working right now. My body was weak, and that nightmare didn't help.

Why did I even see that? It felt like something that would actually happen. It didn't, obviously, but i kinda wish it did. I was getting sick of the two powerhouse Steve's glaring at each other while I sit in the middle.

"Sabre, how do you think we should go about you dealing with your powers? My brilliant way, of Void Steve's idiotic way?" Galaxy Steve asked. He crossed his arms and looked directly at me.

"You can't even spell idiotic... or brilliant," Void Steve said with a slight growl. "However, we can finally agree on something. We need to let Sabre decide how to go about his powers."

I looked back and forth between Galaxy and Void Steve. Each stared at me, causing me to feel very uncomfortable.

"Well, I know exactly how to go about my powers," I said. I stood up and closed my eyes. It burned a little, yet it felt good.

"Yes?!" Galaxy Steve asked excitingly.

"How?" Void Steve followed. I sighed, then turned and smiled at them after I opened my eyes.

"Later..." I said, my smile dying. Both flinched.

"Huh?" they both asked.

"I don't want to work right now. I don't care that I was put for two weeks, I had a nightmare. I have bags under my eyes, and none of you are helping. You two," I pointed to Galaxy and Void Steve, "won't stop fighting, AT ALL! Rainbow Steve, I'm sorry, and thank you, but you keep asking if I'm fine every 5 minutes. It gets annoying."

They stayed quiet, so I just went to my room. I closed the door.

  Pure and utter silence. It was so beautiful. I sighed happily. I took my old, green jacket off, and laid it over to the side. I was still confused as to why I was in my old clothes from forever ago, but I didn't question it too much.

  I laid down on the red bed, letting the soft wool cuddle my body.

  I groaned when I heard a crash come from where all of the Steve's were. 'They can't be in another argument already, can they?' I thought.

  I ignored the noise, and closed my eyes. I heard footsteps outside my door. They were slow, heavy. They didn't sound like one of the Steve's.

  The door slammed open, and a dark, familiar chuckle followed. I heard the person walk closer to my bed. I was getting a bad vibe; an all to familiar vibe. 'Why does he always show up?'

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