Chapter 26: Sabre's Back Home!

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Warning. There is a little bit of language.

Jake's POV:

  "Are you sure this is it?" Alex asked hiding behind Galaxy Steve slightly. He didn't really want to show the slight fear he had right now. I nodded my head.

  "I've walked in and out of this door more times than I can remember," I replied. He whimpered slightly, and I laughed a little bit.

  "Awe... big brother is scared," Mary joked punching him slightly. He didn't glare or even get smart with her. This took us all by shock.

  "Let's not waste time. We should go on in," Void Steve said walking ahead of us. He opened the door, only to fall back in pain. We all jumped and watched as Void Steve held his face in pain.

I looked up to the insane Sabre with swords in both hands. One had some blood dripping from the tip. His whole body moved up and down with his breathing.

"Ah... shit. Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Void Steve mumbled as he rolled around in the ground. I've never heard him cuss before. (But... children... those poor innocent kids reading this🤦🏻‍♀️)

"Sabre! What the heck?!" I yelled helping Void Steve off of the ground. He moved his hands to see who was helping him. I could see the nasty scar that stretched across his slightly uncovered face. Sabre let out an evil chuckle.

"What's wrong? I think it suits him quite well," Sabre said swinging his weapons around. Some of Void Steve's blood went flying.

"Yes, Sabre. I think it does as well," Ty said as he emerged from behind my brother. I growled at the evil hybrid.

"Tyler... step away from my brother!" I yelled as I began to charge at them. Ty smirked.

Before I could land a blow on them, the scenery changed. We were all in some sort of galaxy like area. There wasn't much, except for the 8 of us. I narrowed my eyes at the two evil like characters.

"Someone looks ready for a fight, Jake," Sabre said with a smirk plastered on his face. I growled at them. I was getting sick of Sabre's attitude even though I knew he couldn't control it. "Hmm... I'll grant your little wish. Wanna fight?"

He tapped his sword against the galaxy like ground below. He seemed like we were floating because nothing came out of that. I hummed.

"Let's..." I said clenching my fists tightly. Sabre let out a laugh before charging in my direction. I couldn't help but smirk as he neared me.

Just before he reached me, I jumped into the air to dodge him. His sword hit nothing, but continued with the attack it started with. He growled before getting ready to attack me once again. Of course, I wasn't going to allow that.

I used my own powers to move out of the way. He jumped into the air after me, using his air powers to fly. He rushed towards me once again, so I dodged once again.

No matter how many times he attacked, I was able to dodge just in time. I was still fine, but Sabre was worn out. Ty growled a little bit; seeing Sabre's weakened state.

"Come on, Sabre. Don't let him get to you," Ty said letting his eyes flash red. Sabre's eyes went wide and flashed red as well.

  "StOp TaLkInG lIkE wE'rE fRiEnDs!" he yelled as he charged at me once again. I dodged once again, making him growl at me. "GeT bAcK hErE jAkE! We CaN wOrK tHiS oUt!"

"Yeah... we can. Probably not in the way you are thinking, though," I replied. Sabre growled, and, once again, charged at me. This time, however, I wasn't able to dodge.

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