Chapter 39: Why We Left

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Sabre's POV:

Who doesn't love the smell of fresh air? It's just... lively. It makes all of my worries go away, for the most part.

"Sabre? How much longer are you going to daze off?" Jake asked while putting his hand on my shoulder. I flinched a little bit. I wasn't expecting him to come up on me like that.

"Oh... sorry, Jake. Hopefully not any longer!" I said happily. Jake laughed a little bit.

"Come on! You're missing out, dude," he said pointing back to the others as we walked back home. Well... where our home was...

Currently, Void Steve and Galaxy Steve were having one of their little quarrels. I sighed a little bit.

"How are two the same person, but you always fight with one another?" I asked with a smirk. They both looked at me.

"Because we're counter parts!" they said in unison. Well, they weren't wrong!

  "Touché, but what are you two even fighting about now?" I asked.

  "I'm arguing with him because he won't agree with me that you two left the other day alone to spend quality time with each other," Galaxy Steve smirked. He knew he was wrong. He was just trying to embarrass his other half. I couldn't help but blush a little bit.

"And obviously you know that's wrong," Void Steve said with a blood red face.

"Galaxy Steve, give it a rest already!" Alex complained. I think he was sick of listening to those two fight.

  "Please, Galaxy Steve. That really isn't why we left. I planned on going alone, but Void Steve caught me before I left. I couldn't lie since he already caught me, so he came with me to the nearby village," I explained. Galaxy Steve's smirk only grew.

  "SO YOU DID SPEND QUALITY TIME TOGETHER!" he exclaimed happily. I flinched a little bit.

  "If you call finding a creepy old man that helped us learn about something to help us defeat, now only, Krill, then yes. We totally spent time together in the way you're thinking of," I said angrily. Galaxy Steve laughed, but he quickly stopped when he looked ahead. I looked to where he was looking at, and my heart fell to my feet.

"I-it looks even worse than when we left..." Kylie said sadly. I walked over to rubble of our house. Some of the wood was still burning, but the majority of the building was gone.

I picked up a piece of burning wood. The fire didn't hurt that much. Honestly, it felt pretty nice against my skin. I dropped it to the ground and took a few steps back. I glanced back to the others.

"Stand back. I'm not sure what could happen," I admitted while putting my hands up to the building. They all took my advice and took huge steps back.

I concentrated on the fire coming to me, and I could feel some embers brush against my palms. I flinched a tiny bit.

After a minuet or so, I opened my eyes. All of the fire was gone by now. All that was left was the rubble.

"I-I might have an idea," I said walking closer to the burnt wood. No one spoke. I guess they were waiting for me to explain my idea. "I can probably restore the house. My powers aren't powerful enough to restore Rainbow Steve, sadly."

"Well... let's try it!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed happily. I nodded my head.

  I closed my eyes once again. This bit required more concentration than anything I've ever done before; even telepathy! I held my hands out to my sides; feeling all the energy in the world coming to me. After a minute of gathering the energy, I moved my hands in front of me. I released the energy towards the rubble of our home. I began to love my hands around. I'm pretty sure the others thought I was going crazy.

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