Chapter 12: Meetings Are Not Always Planned

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Rainbow Steve's POV:

"Where would they have taken Sabre?" Galaxy Steve exclaimed in his panic. I shrugged my shoulders, too stressed to do anything more than that.

"Maybe to Slade's place?" Void Steve suggested. Galaxy Steve jerked to attention with a huge smile on his face.

"OF COURSE! THAT'S WHERE HE WAS LAST TIME!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed happily. I couldn't help myself but laugh a little.

"Let's go; we can't waste any time," Void Steve said getting ready to teleport. We jumped beside of him, not wanting to get left behind.

I felt some happiness consume my chest. I was so sure he was there, and that, soon, he will be back with us. Safe and-

My eyes widened. The sight was horrible. We had teleported to where Slade's place is-uh-was. Fire consumed the remains of the building; the rest already burned to ashes. It had been burning for a long time.

"Wh-what happened?" I stuttered. Galaxy Steve collapsed to his knees, pained by the sight. 'Please don't tell me Sabre was in that? No, he couldn't have. This has been burning for a while, but he was just kidnapped. There's no way he could've been in here.'

"I-I don't know. Good news, Sabre couldn't have been in it. It's been burning for too long for him to be in it," Void Steve said somewhat relieved. 'Mind reader.'

"So... where else could he be?" Galaxy Steve asked looking back to Void Steve.

"Probably that other guy's place. I bet something happened here, and that other guy took Slade to his place. Sabre is probably there, but I have no clue where that place could be..." Void Steve said sadly.

  "SABRE!" I, suddenly, yelled into the smoke-filled air. My voice carried throughout the whole domain.

  Galaxy and Void Steve stared at me as I kept yelling in anger. I stared to the ground, regaining the breath I had lost while yelling.

  "We can't stand here and wait. Let's go... we'll have to find Sabre the hard way," I said looking back to them. Neither of them moved, or even said a thing. I don't think they knew what to say.

  "Rainbow Steve is right... lets get out of here. We will search every section of land until we find Sabre," Void Steve said reassuringly. I smiled. Galaxy Steve looked between the both of us, then smiled happily.

  "YEAH!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed pumping his fist in the air. Void Steve motioned for us to come closer, and we did. He teleported is out of what used to be Slade's place.

Mary's POV:

  My brother is a pure idiot. Sure, he's extremely powerful, and he's the ruler of our land, but I think it was a wrong choice. Now, he thinks he's too high end to do simple work, AND IT MAKES ME MAD!

"Alex! Help me out here!" I cried out angrily. He sighed, and stood up from his position under a tree. He, slowly, walked over to me, staff tight in hand.

"What?" he grumbled.

"Here," I said handing him a stone pickaxe. "Go mine some iron and coal."

"Nah, I'll just use my staff," he said. He began to cast a spell to bring the items to him. I grabbed the staff before he could, though.

"No! You have to be an average person, Alex. You said it yourself, we don't need to draw to much attention to ourselves," I said with a slight smirk. He stared at me in shock. I stuck my tongue out at him, then went back to chopping down some wood.

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