Chapter 18: Imposter!

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Galaxy Steve's POV:

Rainbow Steve collapsed after I told him what happened with Sabre. Void Steve left Sabre for a minute to go check on Rainbow Steve. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Man... this is a bad situation for you, Void Steve," I said with a light chuckle. He looked over to me and raised an eyebrow in confusion. "You have two passed out and not coming back for a while. I'm basically useless. I've dragged Sabre for about 2 hours, and I was really tired before that even happened."

"And the entire evil Sabre guy back with Alex and Mary is not helping... WAIT! Evil Sabre is with Alex and Mary; I have to go get them!" Void Steve exclaimed before running off. I watched as he disappeared.

I banged the back of my head against the tree. I looked over to Rainbow Steve and then to Sabre. Bother we're still out like a light. The quietness was something I was use to. I felt pretty lonely right now.

Void Steve's POV:

  I ran into many branches as I ran through the small forest. I didn't realize how far Rainbow Steve took me until now. I guess I was too caught up in my own thoughts.

  "Void Steve! You're back!" Mary exclaimed happily, but she had pain in her voice. Confused, I looked up, and I almost laughed at the sight.

  She was struggling to keep herself okay as Alex continued to pin her into the dirt. "Sabre" looked confused, but he tried to contain his laughter at the same time.

  "Alex, Mary. May I ask why this is happening?" I asked while crossing my arms. Both gave me an awkward smile. "You know what, never mind."

"Where's Rainbow Steve?" "Sabre" asked. I growled at him.

"None of your business, imposter," I growled. Alex and Mary flinched, and "Sabre"s eyes went wide.

  "W-what? What are you talking about, Void Steve? How am I an imposter?" he asked shakily. Alex got off of Mary and dragged her away from "Sabre". He looked shock. "You guys too?"

  "Are you the result Sabre, or not?" Mary growled lowly. Another mods swing. Bipolar much?

  "Grrrrr..." evil Sabre growled dangerously. We all took a step back as he was coated in some black substance. "Why did you have to ruin everything! You will pay, Void Steve!"

Alex and Mary flapped their wings and flew into the air to dodge the attacking imposter of Sabre. I didn't react as quickly, so he pinned me to the ground with some sort of black substance; the same substance that covered him just a second ago.

The weird goo had faded and replaced his look-alike clothes of Sabre's to darker clothes. They were the complete opposite of Sabre's clothes. Black jacket, red shirt, and midnight black pants. He had taken the bandana off from around his eyes, showing his dark red eyes.

I struggled until I broke free from the substance, and I flew high unit the air before he could do anything else. I joined Alex and Mary in the sky.

  "How did you know?" Alex asked. I looked over to where I left the other three.

  "Rainbow Steve is the one who knew. He wanted to tell me, but not make anything to obvious. When he was done explaining it all to me, Galaxy Steve and Sabre showed up. Both were injured and a wreck. Sabre is passed out, and Galaxy Steve can barely move after carrying Sabre for so long and so far. I came over to get you two away from him, and some help," I said pointing to where they were. Both flinched, then looked back down to Evil Sabre. He was growling at us, but began walking away. His job was done since his little cover was blown.

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