Chapter 16: We've Gotta Escape!

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Galaxy Steve's POV:

It was super dark... wherever I'm at. All I could see were some sort of black crystals. It was like their purity has been corrupted.

I used some of the little power I had to make a makeshift light source. I looked around using the light to help me see better. Nothing...

"Hello?" I called out into the black abyss. Nothing could be heard except my echo. I was terrified, and that's hard for me to admit. "Is anyone out there?" Still, there was nothing. "Please! Anyone! HELP ME!"

"Mwhahahahah!" an evil laugh rang. I fell to the ground, but kept trying to find the source of this evil laughter. "Welcome to my mind, Galaxy Steve." The evil Sabre from earlier appeared in a cloud of mist. I growled.

"WHAT DID YOU DO WITH SABRE?!" I yelled while summoning some energy in my free hand. He laughed, so I fired the energy at him. He disappeared as it hit him.

"He's gone," he said appearing a little bit of my right of where he once stood. I summoned more energy and fired it at him. "This is the darkest part of his mind he kept locked away; with me in it. Now, I've grown more powerful than him, and I have consumed his mind to darkness... in a way."

"But he's still alive! Where is he?!" I demanded hitting him once again with my energy. He laughed even more.

"Yes yes yes. He's still alive. I won't tell you where he is, though. All you should know, is that he's not here," evil Sabre spoke. I fired more energy at him.

I kept this act up as long as I could see where he was. He kept laughing and throwing around insults. I didn't know how long we've done this, but it was for a long time, apparently.

"Would ya look at the time? It's time for me to go and lead some of your precious friends into my master plan," evil Sabre said with a smirk.

"Master plan?" I questioned as I got ready to fire another attack at him.

"You'll be stuck in here, so I guess I can tell you. Tyler created me originally. That was a very very long time ago before you even met Sabre. I was a little virus to help control Sabre. However, he gave me my own mind, and that was a mistake. I don't need Tyler. I'm way more powerful without him. So, I'll lead your friends into Tyler's clutches, then completely destroy him. Then, I'll destroy your friends. I'll need Sabre alive in order to live myself, even if we were to separate. I'll keep you around afterwards as well. You've proven to be quite powerful," he explained. That pushed me over the edge.

I began firing more attacks at him. He dodged every single one; teleporting at just the right moment. Finally, he took his last hit.

He waved his hand just before I hit him with my attack. He disappeared, but a crystal was broken behind him. Then, I saw Sabre once again. I growled and lunged at him. He stared at me, then began to panic when he saw me attacking.

"It's over now, Sabre," I snarled as I got ready to make the final blow. He covered his face and began sobbing. I stopped, but I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"P-please. Don't hurt me," he said before he moved his hands away from his face. His face lit up once he saw me again. "Galaxy Steve! Please, it's me, Sabre!"

"Oh yeah, like I'm suppose to believe that," I said.

"Please! How can I prove it to you?!" he exclaimed frantically. I thought for a moment. My energy died down and went back into my body.

"Hm..." I hummed. "Tell me what happened the day of your most previous kidnapping."

He flinched a little, then began to laugh. I raised an eyebrow.

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