Chapter 42: Relical Moments Can't Last

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Sabre's POV:

I can't seem to get my counter part's words out of my head. Each word left, but came back like a moth to a flame. I felt this little depression spell I have continue to work on me. I couldn't seem to get them out.

"You're pretty weak, Sabre," my other self grinned. I glanced up to them, only to look back down in pain.

"Leave me alone..." I mumbled while shaking my head some. "I don't want to hear anymore of your attempts to bring me down."

"They're working, are they not?" they smirked. I growled before standing up, a little hit of color coming back to me.

"NO! I won't listen to you anymore! I will never go to this evil side you seem to be set on. That life is behind me! I don't believe a word you tell me. Lies! They're all lies!" I yelled.

"It's a test!"

Void Steve! Yes... it is!

"You are not me; I am not you! I will never turn my back on my friends! NEVER!" I yelled. The other me growled before disappearing completely.

I could only hear my labored breathing before the blackness consumed my vision even more.

Jake's POV:

"I'm not Slade, and Slade is not me! I won't become that monster again!" I yelled at my past version of myself.

"You will have no choice! This is the only way to live!" Slade yelled as he neared me. I didn't back away as he finally stood face to face with me.

We stood in silence, letting the creepy atmosphere take over. We both glared at one another in the eyes. His showed evil, but I knew mine were determined.

"There's a better way to live, and Sabre is the one leading me to that," I proclaimed.

Slade sighed and shook his head angrily.

"Just you wait, Jake. Staying with that group will be the biggest mistake of your life," Slade said before walking away. His body began to disappear slowly.

"No... this was just a test... like Void Steve said," I breathed out before collapsing.

Sabre's POV:

Jake and I shot up at the same time. My breathing was heavy and labored. Jake's breathing as the same as mine. We looked at one another with shock all over our face.

  "Did you..." I mumbled. He knew what I was trying to say.

  "Face my worst fear? Absolutely!" he said falling on his back. I looked over to Void Steve, who was at my side with a worried expression.

  "I had to as well. However, I quickly got out of mine. I knew it wasn't real," Void Steve said before I could ask the same question.

  "It sure felt real to me..." I mumbled.

  "HAHAH! You did it! You three did it!" a familiar voice called from the outside. We all looked at each other before running outside.

The same dragon that was in the cave before landed in front of our small group. Everyone except Jake, Void Steve and I hid... well, they hid behind us.

"Hey, you're that dragon from the cave," Jake said pointing to it. The dragon nodded their head with a smirk.

  "Wh-what dragon?!" Mary stutterer as she his more behind her brother.

  "We were going to explain in the morning," I said with a small, reassuring smile.

  "But it seems as if we will tell now," Void Steve finished.

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