Chapter 33: Another Day, Another Attack

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Sabre's POV:

Everyone went to bed after the... incident that happened after dusk transferred into night. I was still mad at Jake for yelling that. HE'S MY BROTHER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

"Sabre? Are you just going to stay in bed all day, or are you going to get up and visit with us?" Jake asked as he stepped into my room. I glared at him, obviously still mad.

"Are you going to keep shipping me and Void Steve?" I asked coldly. He laughed a little bit, but tried to hide it.

"Maybe once you two become a thing," he joked. I growled at him and summoned a little bit of fire in my hand.

"It would be a shame if some of your body were to have burns, now would it?" I said with a smirk. Jake's eyes went wide before he ran away.

  "NOOOOOO!" he yelled as he ran down the hallway. I laughed a little bit, and followed him after extinguishing the fire from my hands. I would be very bad if I were to lose control of the fire while running through a wooden house. "Someone! Help me!"

  Jake ran into the main room. Everyone stared at him as he ran and hide behind a couch. Everyone looked at me in confusion.

  "Don't worry, big brother. It won't hurt much," I commented while letting the small flame ignite in my hand once again. Everyone jumped after they saw the flame.

  "W-woah! Sabre! Calm down! We kinda still wanna live here!" Void Steve exclaimed as he backed away. Jake got up from his hiding position and hid behind Void Steve.

  "Yeah! And you wouldn't hurt your boyfriend, now would you?" Jake asked softly. Void Steve turned all to him and glared.

  "WE'RE NOT DATING!" Void Steve yelled. I teleported right in front of Jake since Void Steve stepped away from him.

  "Wanna let me burn you now?" I warned. He shook his head.

  "Fine! You two aren't dating! I get it! Please don't kill me!" he pleaded. I laughed and made the fire disappear.

  "What is the whole "shipping" thing about?" Kylie asked with an eyebrow raised.

  "Long story short, Void Steve and Sabre fell on top of one another making it very awkward. Needless to say, there was blushing and it just became a thing that we say VoidSabre every time they do something adorable together. Like when Sabre was hugging Void Steve after the sunset," Galaxy Steve explained. I glared at him.

  "I was helping Void Steve see something and he did well. Is it such a crime?" I questioned.

  "N-no..." Galaxy Steve stuttered. Kylie laughed a little bit.

  "Be nicer, Sabre. We just like to fool around with you two," Rainbow Steve laughed. Void Steve and I rolled our eyes.

  "You guys are really weird, you know that?" Void Steve said as sat back down on the couch.

  "Maybe you can enlighten us..." a voice said suddenly. We all looked over to see Tyler and that same fricking being from before! How they got into the house, I will probably never know.

  "What are you two doing here!" Mary exclaimed as she got into a fighting position.

  "Wouldn't you like to know?" the villain smirked. Mary growled.

  "Why do you think I asked? Do you really think I just wanted to waste my precious breath taking to you," Mary said. Ty rolled his eyes.

  Suddenly, Mary was thrown to the other side of the room. We all stared at Ty in shock. He had a smirk plastered on his face.

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