Chapter 38: Putting The Past Behind Us

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Sabre's POV:

It didn't take long for the swords of Tyler and Spencer to begin clashing together. Metal hit metal. Sparks flew in the air, but disappeared before any harm could be done. Growls were shared between the former allies.

"Ty is actually holding his own against Spencer," Kylie commented as she hid behind me.

"Shocking. Spencer is actually really good with a sword," I said watching the two males dancing around each other while dodging attacks.

"Is this a fight till the finish? I don't know if Ty can hold himself up any longer..." Void Steve mumbled.

"He does look to be struggling," Galaxy Steve agreed. He looked over to me. "Should we join in?"

"No. It's too dangerous for you guys. I'll jump in," I said drawing my own sword. Nothing special about it. It was a plain metal sword. There's too many people I don't want to hurt for me to use a special enforced sword.

I went ahead and begun my own attacks. I clanked my sword against Spencer's as he went to attack Ty. I could hear Ty growl from around me.

"Sabre! What are you doing?!" Ty growled as he helped push Spencer away from us.

"Spencer is more after me than anyone else. Additionally, I know Spencer better," I said before blocking another attack. Ty hit his sword against Spencer's to help me. "You shouldn't be fighting right now. Let me take care of him."

  "Ooh... yes. Let Sabre take care of me. I'm sure you have put your full trust on this backstabber," Spencer taunted. I was able to knock him back.

  "Can you not let what happened go?! I thought you forgave me," I said just before he attacked me again.

  "No! I never forgave you! I just pretended to forgive you. I never have, and I never will, forgive you for the pain you caused me!" Spencer said before striking me down. He didn't do anything to hurt me; he just used enough force to push me to the ground. "Come here, Tyler~"

  I looked up to see Spencer about to pierce his sword through Ty, who was down and weaponless. He closed his eyes, bracing to the impact of the sword. A loud screech erupted through the building, making everyone cover their ears. My friends gasped in complete shock. I felt tears prick my eyes, and ended up strolling down my cheeks.

  "S-Sabre..." Mary mumbled in shock. I looked back to them.

  "I told you... I'm an assassin. However, I have my reasons for what I do," I said. I looked back to Spencer, the insanity finally leaving his eyes. "I wish I could've saved you, my dear past friend."

  Spencer gave me another smirk; one last look of insanity.

  "See you in hell, ELAN!" he growled before his eyes went lifeless. The insanity dissipated one last time so the dullness of death could take over.

  "I'm afraid I won't, Spency," I said pulling my weapon out of his heart. No matter his new powers, a stab to the heart kills.

  I looked over to Krill, who didn't seem fazed by my actions. I growled at him.

  "Are you happy? I've accepted I can't change who I was in the past, and that my assassin like personality is still in me. However, Krill, I've learned that my actions are derived from what I truly desire. If I kill, it's for a good reason. Spencer was not my friend anymore; he chose to officially end that. He tried to hurt my friends, and is a reason another friend is dead. You are just as much of fault. Trust me... I will end you. No matter what the cost is, I will do it," I proclaimed helping Tyler off of the floor. Krill just watched, no emotion on his face.

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