Chapter 11: Alex and Mary

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(Small note that will play later on. Minecraft is real life. You'll see later in this chapter... or maybe you can tell by the title😂)

  @FanGirlz22 wanted this early so here ya go!

Slade's POV:

Why do I always get stuck watching a prisoner? Especially while they sleep, it's very boring. No one to talk to, or even taunt. Ty needs to find someone else to watch every single prisoner that steps into this building.

"This is so boring. I would rather jump off a cliff than sit here watching this idiot sleep. He should've woken up by now. He just fainted from shock and embarrassment," I said glaring at Sabre's figure.

As if on cue, Sabre began to move and groan. I felt a pang of happiness pierce through me. Finally! I can taunt this brat!

"Huh what? Where am I? What happened?" he mumbled as he began to sit up. I chuckled, causing him to flinch. He turned his head towards me, so he could see me more clearly.

"Ah, Sabre. It's been a while, has it not?" I asked walking over to him. He backed himself against the wall.

I bent down in front of him. He had his bandana back, and was tied, tightly, around his eyes. He didn't say anything, much to my disappointment.

"Come on, Sabre. Cat got your tongue? Answer me, you brat," I snarled. I slammed my right hand next to his head, and against the wall. I glared into the bandana, hoping to intimidate him.

"N-no! I just don't wanna answer anything that comes out of your sticking mouth!" he said bravely.

"Oof, you got nerves, boy. I'm not afraid to hurt you. Right here, right n-" I began before being, rudely, interrupted.

"Slade... it's not very nice to mistreat our prisoners," Ty said. I turned my head and looked at him. He had a smirk, and his wings were extended to their limit.

"W-who are y-you?" Sabre stuttered. He tried backing into the wall more, but failed. Ty walked closer, making Sabre whimper some.

"Awe, looks like Sabre is a little scared," Ty taunted. "Don't worry, little Sabre. I'll take great care of you."

Ty bent down to Sabre, and motioned me to leave. I raised an eyebrow, clearly annoyed with this. However, I didn't want to disobey my master, so I backed away. I still wanted to see what Ty would do to Sabre, and the suspense killed me.

Ty grabbed Sabre's chin, and forced Sabre to look at him. This was painful to watch. I wanted to be the one he feared. I wanted to taunt him, make him whimper as I near him. Why does Ty have that look that makes anyone do that?

  "Ya know, Sabre. You're kinda cute, for a child that is. Underneath this whimpering piece of a child, is a powerful guy. You could help us destroy the world with your power..." Ty said calmly. Sabre glared at him, and didn't hesitate to respond to him.

  "Is that your plan?! To try and convince me to join your little clan?! Well, I'm sad to say, that won't be happening!" Sabre stated. Ty tightened his grip on Sabre, making him wince in pain.

  "You don't tell me what to do, brat," Ty growled. He calmed down, and went back to smirking. "I do have alternative methods, but you probably won't like them. Either way, Sabre, you'll be apart of this world's destruction."

  "I don't get this with you villains. You want to destroy the world, but that'll take you down as well. What will you do then?" Sabre growled. Ty didn't say anything at first, and I thought Sabre actually got to him. However, Ty began going into one of his evil laughters that sent chills down anyone's spine.

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